01 – Health and Safety Policy

Alongside associated procedures in 01.1 to 01.19 Health and safety, this policy was adopted by St John’s Pre-School on 29/01/2024

Designated Health and Safety Officer is: Claire Speakman and Sandra Grimwood


Our provision is a suitable, clean and safe place for children to be cared for, where they can grow and learn. We meet all statutory requirements for health and safety and fulfil the criteria for meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements.


  • We recognise that we have a corporate responsibility and duty of care towards those who work in and receive a service from our provision. Individual staff and service users also have responsibility for ensuring their own safety as well as that of others. Adherence to policies and procedures and risk assessment is the key means through which this is achieved.
  • Insurance is in place (including public liability) and an up-to-date certificate is always displayed.
  • Risk assessment is carried out to ensure the safety of children, staff, parents, and visitors. Legislation requires all those individuals in the given workplace to be responsible for the health and safety of premises, equipment and working practices.
  • Smoking is not allowed on the premises, both indoors and outdoors. If children use any public space that has been used for smoking, members of staff ensure that there is adequate ventilation to clear the atmosphere. Staff do not smoke in their work clothes and are requested not to smoke within at least one hour of working with children. The use of electronic cigarettes is not allowed on the premises.
  • Staff must not be under the influence of alcohol or any other substance which may affect their ability to care for children. If staff are taking medication that they believe may impair them, they seek further medical advice and only work directly with children if that advice is that the medication is unlikely to impair their ability to look after children. The setting manager must be informed.
  • Alcohol must not be brought onto the premises for consumption.
  • A risk assessment (01.1a Generic risk assessment) and access audit (01.1b Access audit form) are carried out for each area and the procedure is modified according to needs identified for the specific environment.
  • Risk assessments are monitored and reviewed by those responsible for health and safety.

Legal References

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974

Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999)

Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005)

Electricity at Work Regulations (1989)

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs

Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992) (Amended 2002)

Medicines Act (1968)

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) (Amendment) Regulations 2012

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2004

Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981

Childcare Act 2006

Further Guidance

Dynamic Risk Management in the Early Years (Alliance 2017)

Health and Safety Executive www.hse.gov.uk/risk

Food Standards Agency www.food.gov.uk

Ministry or Housing, Communities & Local Government www.communities.gov.uk

01.1  – Risk assessment

Risk assessments are carried out to ensure the safety of children, staff, parents and visitors. Legislation requires all individuals in the workplace to be responsible for the health and safety of premises, equipment and working practices. We have a ‘corporate responsibility’ towards a ‘duty of care’ for those who work in and receive a service from our provision. Individuals also have responsibility for ensuring their own and others safety.

  • 1a Generic risk assessment form is completed for each area of work, and the areas of the building that are identified in these procedures
  • 1b Access audit is completed to ensure inclusion and the health and safety of all visitors, staff, and children. The relevant procedure is modified if required to match the assessment.
  • 1c Prioritised place risk assessment is completed for offering prioritised places during a national pandemic (such as Covid–19). A separate form is completed for each child who is prioritised because they are vulnerable, or meet any other criteria stipulated by the Government at the time. Risk assessment is also completed for each individual group/room as appropriate. If the risk assessment indicates a high risk if the place is offered, that cannot be minimised, the offer of the place may be withdrawn at the discretion of the setting manager.

Risk assessment means: Taking note of aspects of your workplace and activities that could cause harm, either to yourself or to others, and deciding what needs to be done to prevent that harm, making sure this is adhered to and is updated when necessary.

The law does not require that all risk be eliminated, but that ‘reasonable precaution’ is taken. This is particularly important when balancing the need for children to be able to take appropriate risks through physically challenging play. Children need the opportunity to work out what is not safe and what they should do when faced with a risk.

Daily safety sweeps and checks indoors and outdoors

  • Safety sweeps are conducted when setting up for the day prior to children arriving or closing in the evening. Sometimes a safety sweep will identify a risk that requires a formal risk assessment on form. For example, if a window latch is becoming stiff and an educator has to stand on a chair in order to reach it to ensure it has closed properly.

Health and safety risk assessments

Health and safety risk assessments inform procedures. Staff and parents should be involved in reviewing risk assessments and procedures, as they are the ones with first-hand knowledge as to whether the control measures are effective and they can give an informed view to help update procedures accordingly.

The setting manager undertakes training and ensures staff have adequate training in health and safety matters. The setting managers also ensure that checks/work to premises are carried out and records are kept.

  • Gas safety by a Gas Safe registered gas/heating engineer.
  • Electricity safety by a qualified electrician.
  • Fire precautions to check that all fire-fighting equipment and alarms are in working order.
  • Hot air heating systems/air conditioning systems cleaned and checked.
  • Deep clean is carried out in kitchen.

The setting manager ensures that staff members carry out risk assessments that include relevant aspects of fire safety, food safety, in each of the following areas of the premises:

  • Entrance and exits.
  • Outdoor areas.
  • Passageways, stairways and connecting areas.
  • Group rooms.
  • Sleep areas.
  • Main kitchen.
  • Staff/parent’s room.
  • Rooms used by others or for other purposes.

The setting manager ensures staff members carry out risk assessment for off-site activities, such as children’s outings (including use of public transport), including:

  • forest school and beach school
  • home visits
  • other duties off-site such as attending meetings, banking etc

The setting manager ensures staff members carry out risk assessment for work practice including:

  • changing babies, and the intimate care of young children and older children
  • arrivals and departures
  • children with allergies and special dietary needs or preferences
  • serving food in group rooms
  • cooking activities with children
  • supervising outdoor play and indoor/outdoor climbing equipment
  • settling babies/young children to sleep
  • assessment, use and storage of equipment for disabled children
  • visitors to the setting who are bringing equipment or animals as part of children’s learning experiences, for example ‘fire engines’
  • following any incidents involving threats against staff or volunteers
  • following any accident or incident involving staff or children

The setting manager liaises with Crime Prevention Officers as appropriate to ensure security arrangements for premises and personnel are appropriate.

Risk Assessment Forms

01.2 – Group rooms, and corridors

  • Significant changes such as structural alterations or extensions are reported to Ofsted. A risk assessment is done to ensure the security of the building during building work.
  • Door handles are placed high or alternative safety measures are in place.
  • Chairs are stacked safely and not too high.
  • There are no trailing wires; all radiators are guarded.
  • Windows are opened regularly to ensure flow of air.
  • Floors are properly dried after mopping up spills.
  • Children do not have unsupervised access to corridors.
  • Floor covering on corridors are checked for signs of wear and tear.
  • Staff hold the hand of toddlers and children who require assistance.
  • Materials and equipment are not generally stored in corridors, but where this is the case, it does not block clear access or way out.
  • Walkways are uncluttered and adequately lit.
  • Corridors are checked to ensure that safety and security is maintained, especially in areas that are not often used, or where there is access to outdoors
  • Socket safety inserts are not used as there is no safety reason to do so, modern plug sockets are designed to remove risk of electrocution if something is poked into them. Socket covers (that cover the whole socket and switch) may be used, please note these are different to socket inserts.

The use of blinds with cords is avoided. Any blinds fitted with cords are always secured by cleats. There are no dangling cords.

01.3 – Kitchen

General Safety

  • Doors to the kitchen are kept always closed.
  • Shutters to hatches are kept closed when cooking is taking place.
  • Children do not have unsupervised access to the kitchen.
  • Children are not taken to the kitchen when meal preparation is taking place.
  • Staff do not normally take tea breaks in the kitchen unless there is no alternative, in which case, tea-breaks are not taken in the kitchen when food is being prepared.
  • Wet spills are mopped immediately.
  • Mechanical ventilation is used when cooking.
  • A clearly marked and appropriately stocked First Aid box is kept in the kitchen.

Cleanliness and Hygiene

Staff follow the recommended cleaning schedules in Safer Food Better Business (SFBB).

  • Floors are washed down at least daily.
  • All work surfaces are washed regularly with anti-bacterial agent.
  • Inside of cupboards are cleaned monthly.
  • Cupboard doors and handles are cleaned regularly.
  • Fridge and freezer doors are wiped down regularly
  • Ovens/cooker tops are wiped down daily after use; ovens are fully cleaned monthly.
  • Washing up done by hand and is carried out in double sinks, where available, one to wash, one to rinse.
  • Where possible all crockery and cutlery are air dried.
  • Plates and cups are only put away when fully dry.
  • Tea towels, if used, are used once. They are laundered daily.
  • Any cleaning cloths used for surfaces are washed and replaced daily.
  • There is a mop, bucket, broom, dustpan, and brush set aside for kitchen use only.
  • Any repairs needed are recorded and reported to the manager.
  • Chip pans are not used.

Further guidance

Safer Food Better Business: Food safety management procedures and food hygiene regulations for small business: www.food.gov.uk/business-guidance/safer-food-better-business

01.4 – Children’s bathrooms/changing areas

  • Children are provided with baskets (or other storage) for spare clothing and nappies/pants
  • Older babies/toddlers have low changing surfaces they can climb on to, or floor surface is used. Staff should not have to lift heavy toddlers on to waist high units.
  • Changing mats are cleaned and disinfected in baby change areas.
  • Disposable nappies are cleared of solid waste and placed in nappy disposal units.
  • Staff use single use gloves and aprons to change children and wash hands when leaving changing areas. Please note that gloves are not always required for a wet nappy if there is no risk of infection, however, gloves are always available for those staff who choose to wear them for a wet nappy. Gloves are always worn for a ‘soiled’ nappy.
  • Staff never turn their backs on or leave a child unattended whilst on a changing mat.
  • Changing mats are disinfected after each change.
  • Anti-bacterial spray is not used where residue may have direct contact with skin.
  • Anti-bacterial sprays used in nappy changing areas are not left within the reach of children.
  • Natural or mechanical ventilation is used; chemical air fresheners are not used.
  • All other surfaces are disinfected daily.

Children’s toilets and wash basins

  • Children’s toilets are cleaned twice daily using disinfectant cleaning agent for the bowls (inside and out), seat and lid, and whenever visibly soiled.
  • Toilet flush handles are disinfected daily.
  • Toilets not in use are checked to ensure the U-bend does not dry out and are flushed every week. Taps not in use are run for several minutes every two to three days to prevent infections such as Legionella.
  • There is a toilet brush available for children’s toilets. This is stored in the cleaning cupboard, along with a separate cleaning cloth.
  • Cubicle doors and handles are washed weekly.
  • Children’s hand basins are cleaned twice daily and whenever visibly soiled, inside, and out using disinfectant cleaning agent. Separate cloths are used to clean basins etc. and are not interchanged with those used for cleaning toilets. Colour coded cloths are used.
  • Mirrors and tiled splash backs are washed daily.
  • Paper towels are provided.
  • Bins are provided for disposal of paper towels and are emptied daily.
  • All bins are lined with plastic bags.
  • Staff who clean toilets wear rubber gloves.
  • Staff changing children wear gloves and aprons as appropriate.
  • Wet or soiled clothing is sluiced, rinsed, and put in a plastic bag for parents to collect.
  • Floors in children’s toilets are washed daily.
  • Spills of body fluids are cleared and mopped using disinfectant.
  • Mops are rinsed and wrung after use and stored upright, not stored head down in buckets.
  • Mops used to clean toilets or body fluids from other areas are designated for that purpose only and kept separate from mops used for other areas. Colour coding helps keep them separate.
  • Used water is discarded down the sluice or butler sink.
  • Butler sinks are cleaned and disinfected at the end of each day.

01.5 – Short trips, outings and excursions

Planning and Preparation

  • Outings have a purpose with specific learning and development outcomes.
  • If staff are ‘borrowed’ from another area to maintain ratios on an outing they are fully briefed about the children they are accompanying.
  • The excursion does not go ahead if concerns are raised about its viability at any point.
  • Parents are informed of an outing and staff check that consent forms on children’s registration were signed.
  • A minimum of two staff accompany children on outings. There is a ratio of 1:2 for babies in buggies, some disabled children, and children up to 3 years. Older children have a ratio of 1:4, depending on the risk assessment.
  • Children are specifically allocated to each member of staff/volunteer; they are responsible for supervising their designated children for the duration of the excursion.
  • Parents on outings are responsible for their own children only.
  • Parents who have undergone vetting as volunteers may be included in the ratio.
  • A mobile phone belonging to the setting, and a small first aid kit is taken out.
  • Staff make sure they have water, plastic cups, spare nappies/change of clothes and wet wipes for the children going out appropriate to the length of time they are out for.
  • Sun cream is applied as needed and children are clothed appropriately
  • Children wear badges or ‘high viz’ vests with the name and number of the setting.
  • Staff have emergency contacts, medication and equipment needed for children.

Risk assessment

  • Risk assessment is completed prior to the outing and signed off by the setting manager and all staff taking part. Existing risk assessments are reviewed/amended as required.
  • Children with specific needs have a separate risk assessment if necessary.

Outing venue (larger outings)

  • Venues used regularly are ‘risk assessed’ and an initial pre-visit is made to look at the health and safety aspects. If pre-visits cannot be made, risk assessment is achieved by calling the venue and asking for their risk assessment.


  • If coach hire is required for an outing, only reputable companies are used.
  • The setting manager ensures that seat belts are provided on the coach and that booster seats and child safety seats are used as appropriate to the age of the children.
  • The maximum seating capacity of the coach or minibus is not exceeded.
  • Contracted drivers are not counted in ratios.
  • Public transport should always be ratio of 1-2 (unless agreed with the setting manager).

Where transport is provided by the setting

  • Records are kept including insurance details and a list of named drivers.
  • Drivers using their own transport should have adequate insurance cover.

Forest School and Beach School sessions (not on site)

  • A separate risk assessment is conducted, and Forest/Beach School standard procedures are followed.
  • The sessions always have a level 3 trained forest school or beach school educator.

Farm and zoo visits

Staff are aware of the risks posed by infections such as E.coli being contracted from animals. They are also aware of toxic substances used on farms that could be hazardous to health. Staff are vigilant of the natural dangers presented by a farm or zoo visit and conduct a risk assessment prior to the visit.

  • The venue is contacted in advance of the visit to ensure no recent outbreaks of E.coli or other infections. If there has been an outbreak the visit will be reviewed and may be postponed.
  • Hands are washed and dried thoroughly after touching an animal.
  • Nothing is consumed whilst going round the farm. Food is eaten away from animals, after thoroughly washing hands.
  • Children are prevented from putting their faces against animals or hands in their own mouths.
  • If animal droppings are touched, hands are washed and dried immediately.
  • Shoes are cleaned and hands washed thoroughly as soon as possible on departure.
  • Staff or volunteers who are or may be pregnant, should avoid contact with pregnant ewes and may want to consult their own GP before the visit.
  • Farmers have a responsibility to ensure that hand washing and drying facilities are available and are suitably located, that picnic areas are separate and clean, and that all other health and safety laws are fully observed.

For further guidance, refer to the insurance provider.

Larger outings checklist

There is an identified lead person for the outing.

  • The outing has an educational purpose and has been agreed with the setting manager.
  • Risk assessments completed/updated and shared with every staff, student/volunteer accompanying the children.
  • Staff understand the potential risks when they are out with children and take all reasonable measures to minimise
  • Bouncy castles and similar attractions are not accessed by children on an excursion.
  • The designated lead educator is the last to leave the venue, or transport being used.
  • The designated lead conducts a ‘safety sweep’ before, during and after the outing.

Further guidance

Daily Register and Outings Record (Alliance 2021)

Good Practice in Early Years Infection Control (Alliance 2009)

Introducing Forest School in the Early Years (Alliance 2022)

Not on my Watch! (Alliance 2018)

Preventing Accidents to Children on Farms (Health and Safety Executive 2013)

01.6 – Outdoors

  • All gates and fences are childproof, safe, and secure.
  • Areas are checked daily to make sure animal droppings, litter, glass etc. is removed. Staff wear rubber gloves to do this.
  • Bushes or overhanging trees are checked to ensure they do not bear poisonous berries.
  • Stinging nettles and brambles are removed.
  • Wooden equipment is maintained safely, put away daily and not used if broken.
  • Wooden equipment is sanded and varnished as required.
  • Broken climbing equipment or outdoor toys are removed and reported to the setting manager.
  • Children are always supervised within ratios outside.
  • Children are suitably attired for the weather conditions and type of outdoor activities.
  • Sun cream (if parents have given permission) is applied and hats are worn during the summer months. Outdoor play is avoided in extreme heat between noon and 3pm.
  • Children who have no adequate means of sun protection, such as a hat, long sleeves and trousers or sun cream, will not be able to play outdoors in un-shaded areas.
  • Children are supervised on climbing equipment, especially younger children.
  • Water play is not left out but is cleared, cleaned and stored after each use.
  • Receptacles are left upturned to prevent collection of rainwater, this is important in areas where there are vermin to prevent urine/faeces contaminating the water.
  • Sightings of vermin are recorded and reported to the manager who reports to the Environmental Health’s Pest Control Department.
  • Outdoor areas that have flooded are not used until cleaned down and restored. Grassed areas are not played on for at least one week after the flood water has gone.
  • If paddling pools are used, a risk assessment is conducted, and consideration given to the needs of disabled children or those less ambulant.


If there are concerns about a ‘drone’ being flown over the outdoor area, that may compromise children’s safety or privacy, the setting manager will contact the police on 101.

  • Children will be brought inside immediately.
  • Parents will be informed that a Drone has been spotted flying over the outdoor area and will be advised fully of the actions taken by the setting.
  • The police will have their own procedures to follow and will act accordingly.
  • If at any point following the incident, photographs taken by a drone emerge on social media that could identify the nursery or individual children, these are reported to the police.
  • A record is completed in the Notifiable Incident Record unless there is reason to believe that the incident might have safeguarding implications, for example:
    • the drone has hovered specifically over the outdoor area for any length of time
    • there is a likelihood that images of the children have been recorded
    • is spotted on more than one occasion
    • if the Police believe there is cause for concern

Where this is the case, 06 Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults procedures are followed.

Further guidance

Reportable Incident Record (Alliance 2015)

01.7 – Staff cloakrooms

  • All areas are kept tidy and always uncluttered.
  • Doors to staff/visitor toilets and cloakrooms are kept always shut.
  • Staff are provided with a secure area for storing personal belongings, including any medication they are taking.
  • Toilet areas are not used for storage due to the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Staff/visitor toilets are cleaned daily using disinfectant.
  • Toilet flush handles are disinfected daily.
  • There is a toilet brush provided per toilet and separate cleaning cloth.
  • Toilets that are not in use are checked to ensure that the U-bend is not drying out and are flushed every week. Taps that are not in use are run for several minutes every two to three days to minimise the risk of infections such as legionella.
  • Cubicle doors and handles are washed weekly.
  • Staff hand basins are cleaned daily using disinfectant. Separate cloths are used to clean basins etc. and are not interchanged with those used for cleaning toilets.
  • Floors in staff toilets are washed daily.
  • Mirrors and tiled splash backs are washed daily.
  • Paper towels are provided for hand drying.
  • Bins are provided for sanitary wear and cleared daily (or as per contract agreement).
  • Bins are provided for disposal of paper towels and are cleared daily.
  • All bins are lined with plastic bags.
  • Members of staff who are cleaning toilets wear rubber gloves that are kept specifically for this purpose to prevent cross contamination.

01.8 – Maintenance and repairs

Any faulty equipment or building fault is recorded, including:

  • date fault noted
  • item or area faulty
  • nature of the fault and priority
  • who the fault reported to for action
  • action taken and when
  • if no action taken by the agreed date, when and by whom the omission is followed up
  • date action completed

Any area that is unsafe because repair is needed, such as a broken window, should be made safe and separated off from general use.

  • Any broken or unsafe item is taken out of use and labelled ‘out of use’.
  • Any specialist equipment (e.g. corner seat for a disabled child) which is broken or unsafe should be returned to the manufacturer or relevant professional.
  • Any item that is beyond repair is condemned. This action is recorded as the action taken and the item is removed from the setting’s inventory.
  • Condemning items is done in agreement with the setting manager. Condemned items are then disposed of appropriately and not stored indefinitely on site.

Where maintenance and repairs involve a change of access to the building whilst repairs are taking place, then a risk assessment is conducted to ensure the safety and security of the building is maintained.

01.9 – Staff personal safety


  • Members of staff who are in the building early in the morning or late in the evening, ensure that doors and windows are locked.
  • Where possible, the last two members of staff in the building leave together after dark and arrange to arrive together in the morning.
  • Visitors are allowed access only with prior appointments and once identifications are verified.
  • When taking cash to the bank, members of staff are aware of personal safety. The setting manager carries out a risk assessment and develops an agreed procedure appropriate to the setting, staff, and location.
  • Staff make a note in the shared diary of meetings they are attending and when they are expected back.
  • The setting managers will liaise with local police for advice on any issues or concerns.

Home visits

Home visits are done at the setting manager’s discretion under the following health and safety considerations:

  • Staff normally do home visits in pairs; usually manager or deputy and key person.
  • Each home visit is recorded in the diary with the name and address of the family being visited, prior to the visit taking place.
  • Staff alert a contact person in the setting when they are leaving to do the home visit and what time they are expected to return
  • If there is reason for staff to feel concerned about entering premises on a visit, they do not do so, for example, if a parent appears drunk or under the influence of drugs.
  • Members of staff carry work issued mobile phone when going out on a home visit.
  • If staff do not return from the home visit at the expected time the contact person attempts to phone them and continues to do so until they make contact

If no contact is made after a reasonable amount of time has passed, the contact person rings the police.

Dealing with agitated parents/visitors in the setting

  • If a parent or visitor appears to be angry, mentally agitated, or possibly hostile, two members of staff will lead them away from the children to an area less open but will not shut the door behind them.
  • If the person is standing, staff will remain standing.
  • Staff will try to empathise, for example: ‘I can see that you are feeling angry at this time’.
  • Staff offer to discuss the issue of concern and show they recognise the concern.
  • Staff will ensure that the language they use can be easily understood
  • Staff will make it clear that they want to hear issues and seek solutions.
  • If the person makes threats and continues to be angry, members of staff make it clear that they will be unable to discuss the issue until the person stops shouting or being abusive, avoiding expressions like ‘calm down’ or ‘be reasonable’.
  • If threats continue, members of staff will explain that the police will be called and emphasise the inappropriateness of such behaviour in front of the children.
  • Procedure 01.10 Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers is implemented where staff feel threatened or intimidated.
  • After the event, it is recorded in the child’s file together with any decisions made with the parents to rectify the situation.
  • Any situation involving threats to members of staff are reported to the line manager, following procedure 01.10 Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers.

Copies of correspondence regarding the incident will be kept in the relevant child’s file.

01.10 – Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers


  • Members of staff who are in the building early in the morning or late in the evening, ensure that doors and windows are locked.
  • Where possible, the last two members of staff in the building leave together after dark and arrange to arrive together in the morning.
  • Visitors are allowed access only with prior appointments and once identifications are verified.
  • When taking cash to the bank, members of staff are aware of personal safety. The setting manager carries out a risk assessment and develops an agreed procedure appropriate to the setting, staff, and location.
  • Staff make a note in the shared diary of meetings they are attending and when they are expected back.
  • The setting managers will liaise with local police for advice on any issues or concerns.

Home visits

Home visits are done at the setting manager’s discretion under the following health and safety considerations:

  • Staff normally do home visits in pairs; usually manager or deputy and key person.
  • Each home visit is recorded in the diary with the name and address of the family being visited, prior to the visit taking place.
  • Staff alert a contact person in the setting when they are leaving to do the home visit and what time they are expected to return
  • If there is reason for staff to feel concerned about entering premises on a visit, they do not do so, for example, if a parent appears drunk or under the influence of drugs.
  • Members of staff carry work issued mobile phone when going out on a home visit.
  • If staff do not return from the home visit at the expected time the contact person attempts to phone them and continues to do so until they make contact

If no contact is made after a reasonable amount of time has passed, the contact person rings the police.

Dealing with agitated parents/visitors in the setting

  • If a parent or visitor appears to be angry, mentally agitated, or possibly hostile, two members of staff will lead them away from the children to an area less open but will not shut the door behind them.
  • If the person is standing, staff will remain standing.
  • Staff will try to empathise, for example: ‘I can see that you are feeling angry at this time’.
  • Staff offer to discuss the issue of concern and show they recognise the concern.
  • Staff will ensure that the language they use can be easily understood
  • Staff will make it clear that they want to hear issues and seek solutions.
  • If the person makes threats and continues to be angry, members of staff make it clear that they will be unable to discuss the issue until the person stops shouting or being abusive, avoiding expressions like ‘calm down’ or ‘be reasonable’.
  • If threats continue, members of staff will explain that the police will be called and emphasise the inappropriateness of such behaviour in front of the children.
  • Procedure 01.10 Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers is implemented where staff feel threatened or intimidated.
  • After the event, it is recorded in the child’s file together with any decisions made with the parents to rectify the situation.
  • Any situation involving threats to members of staff are reported to the line manager, following procedure 01.10 Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers.

Copies of correspondence regarding the incident will be kept in the relevant child’s file.

01.11 – Entrances and approach to the building

  • Entrances and approaches are kept tidy and always uncluttered.
  • All gates and external fences are childproof and safe
  • Front doors are always kept locked and shut.
  • The identity of a person not known to members of staff is checked before they enter the building.
  • All staff and visitors to the setting sign in and out of the building.
  • A member of staff is available to open and close the door and to greet arrivals, say goodbye to parents and to make sure that doors are shut.
  • Back doors are always kept locked and shut if they may lead to a public or unsupervised area, unless this breaches fire safety regulations or other expectations.
  • Where building works or repairs mean that normal entrances/exits or approaches to the building are not in use, a risk assessment is conducted to maintain safety and security whilst the changes are in place.

01.12 – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

  • Staff implement the current guidelines of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as rubber gloves, latex free/vinyl gloves, aprons etc., is available to all staff as needed and stocks are regularly replenished.
  • Hazardous substances are stored safely away from the children.
  • Chemicals used in the setting should be kept to the minimum to ensure health and hygiene is maintained.
  • Risk assessment is done for all chemicals used in the setting.
  • Environmental factors are considered when purchasing, using and disposing of chemicals.
  • All members of staff are vigilant and use chemicals safely.
  • Bleach is not used in the setting.
  • Antibacterial soap/hand wash is not normally used, unless specifically advised during an infection outbreak, such as Pandemic flu or Coronavirus.
  • Antibacterial cleaning agents are restricted to toilets, nappy changing areas and food preparation areas and are not used when children are nearby.
  • Members of staff wear rubber gloves when using cleaning chemicals.

01.13 – Manual handling

  • All staff comply with risk assessment and have a personal responsibility to ensure they do not lift objects likely to cause injury. Failure to do so may invalidate an insurance claim.
  • Members of staff bring the setting manager’s attention to any new risk, or situations where the control measures are not working.
  • Risk assessments may need to be changed for some individuals, such as a pregnant woman, or staff with an existing or previous injury or impairment that may affect their capacity to lift.
  • Risk assessment is carried out of the environment in which the lifting is done. Features such as uneven floor surfaces, stairs, etc. add to the general risk and need to be taken into consideration.
  • The setting manager ensures that they and their staff are trained to lift and move heavy objects and unstable loads correctly. Babies and young children are also heavy and need to be lifted and carried carefully and correctly.


  • Do not lift heavy objects alone. Seek help from a colleague.
  • Bend from the knees rather than the back.
  • Do not lift very heavy objects. even with others. that are beyond your strength.
  • Use trolleys for heavy items that must be carried or moved on a regular basis.
  • Items should not be lifted onto, or from, storage areas above head height.
  • Do not stand on objects, other than proper height steps, to reach high objects and never try to overreach.
  • Push rather than pull heavy objects.
  • Do not carry heavy objects up or down stairs; or carry large objects that may block your view of the stairs.
  • Do not hold babies by standing and resting them on your hips.

Please note this is not an exhaustive list.

  • Managers are responsible for carrying out risk assessment for manual handling operations, which includes lifting/carrying children and lifting/carrying furniture or equipment.

01.14 – Festival (and other) decorations


  • Basic safety precautions apply equally to decorations put up for any festival as well as to general decorations in the setting. Children are informed of dangers and safe behaviour, relative to their level of understanding.


  • Only fire-retardant decorations and fire-retardant artificial Christmas trees are used.
  • Paper decorations, other than mounted pictures, are not permitted in the public areas of the buildings, for example, lobbies, stairwells etc.

Electrical equipment.

  • Electrical equipment (a light, extension leads etc) must be electrically tested before
  • If using tree lights, place the tree close to an electrical socket and avoid using extension leads. Always fully uncoil any wound extension lead to avoid overheating.
  • Remember to unplug the lights at the end of the day.
  • Electrical leads are arranged in such a way that they do not create a trip hazard.


  • Trees and decorations must never obstruct walkways or fire exits.
  • Do not place decorations on or close to electrical equipment (e.g. computers); they are a fire hazard.
  • Decorations must be clear of the ceiling fire detectors, sprinklers, and lights.

Children’s areas

  • Christmas trees are placed where children cannot pull them over.
  • Glass decorations are not used.

01.15 – Jewellery and hair accessories

Children, staff members, volunteers and students do not attend the setting wearing jewellery or fashion accessories that may pose a potential hazard to other children or themselves.

  • Health and safety take precedence over respect for culture, religion or fashion.
  • Members of staff do not wear jewellery or fashion accessories, such as belts or high heels, that may pose a danger to them or to young children. These include large rings with sharp edges, earrings – other than studs, chain necklaces, or bracelets with attachments that can be pulled off, or belts with large buckles.
  • Parents must ensure that any jewellery worn by children poses no risk, for example, earrings which may get pulled, bracelets which can get caught when climbing, or necklaces that may pose a risk of strangulation.
  • Children may wear small, smooth stud earrings.
  • Children, staff, and volunteers do not wear anything with sharp edges that could scratch children, or jewellery with small elements that could become detached and swallowed.
  • Hair accessories that may come loose pose a choking hazard are removed before children sleep or rest.
  • Parents are requested not to send children wearing hair beads. If staff see beads that are coming loose, they will remove them.
  • Hair accessories that may pose a choking hazard to other children should they become detached, should be removed if members of staff consider this to be a possibility.

Amber beads for teething pain relief are not to be worn due to the risk of choking posed to the infant and other children who may remove them.

01.15 – Jewellery and hair accessories

Children, staff members, volunteers and students do not attend the setting wearing jewellery or fashion accessories that may pose a potential hazard to other children or themselves.

  • Health and safety take precedence over respect for culture, religion or fashion.
  • Members of staff do not wear jewellery or fashion accessories, such as belts or high heels, that may pose a danger to them or to young children. These include large rings with sharp edges, earrings – other than studs, chain necklaces, or bracelets with attachments that can be pulled off, or belts with large buckles.
  • Parents must ensure that any jewellery worn by children poses no risk, for example, earrings which may get pulled, bracelets which can get caught when climbing, or necklaces that may pose a risk of strangulation.
  • Children may wear small, smooth stud earrings.
  • Children, staff, and volunteers do not wear anything with sharp edges that could scratch children, or jewellery with small elements that could become detached and swallowed.
  • Hair accessories that may come loose pose a choking hazard are removed before children sleep or rest.
  • Parents are requested not to send children wearing hair beads. If staff see beads that are coming loose, they will remove them.
  • Hair accessories that may pose a choking hazard to other children should they become detached, should be removed if members of staff consider this to be a possibility.

Amber beads for teething pain relief are not to be worn due to the risk of choking posed to the infant and other children who may remove them.

01.16 – Animals and pets

  • Views of parents and children are considered when selecting a pet for the setting.
  • Staff will be aware of any allergies or issues individual children may have with any animals/creatures.
  • A risk assessment is conducted and considers any hygiene and safety risks posed by the animal or creature.
  • Suitable housing for the animal is provided and is regularly cleaned and maintained.
  • The correct food is offered at the right times and staff are knowledgeable of the pet’s welfare and dietary needs.
  • Arrangements are made for weekend and holiday care for the animal/creature.
  • There is appropriate pet health care insurance or other contingencies agreed and put in place to pay for veterinary care and the animal is registered with a local vet.
  • All vaccinations and health measures such as deworming are up to date.
  • Children are taught correct handling of the pet and are always supervised.
  • Children wash their hands after handling the pet and do not have contact with animal faeces, or soiled bedding.
  • Members of staff wear single use vinyl/latex free gloves when cleaning/handling soiled bedding.
  • Snakes and some other reptiles are not suitable pets for the setting due to infection risks.
  • The manager will check with the committee before introducing a new pet into the setting.

Animals brought in by visitors

  • The owner of the animal/creature maintains responsibility for it in the setting.
  • The owner carries out a risk assessment detailing how the animal/creature is to be handled and how any safety or hygiene issues will be addressed.

No dogs on the Government’s Banned Dogs list are to be brought on site at any time. All other dogs brought on site by parents during arrivals and departure times must be on a lead and under control. The manager reserves the right to request that a dog is not brought on site, if the animal appears to be out of control, or likely to pose a risk.

01.16 – Animals and pets

  • Views of parents and children are considered when selecting a pet for the setting.
  • Staff will be aware of any allergies or issues individual children may have with any animals/creatures.
  • A risk assessment is conducted and considers any hygiene and safety risks posed by the animal or creature.
  • Suitable housing for the animal is provided and is regularly cleaned and maintained.
  • The correct food is offered at the right times and staff are knowledgeable of the pet’s welfare and dietary needs.
  • Arrangements are made for weekend and holiday care for the animal/creature.
  • There is appropriate pet health care insurance or other contingencies agreed and put in place to pay for veterinary care and the animal is registered with a local vet.
  • All vaccinations and health measures such as deworming are up to date.
  • Children are taught correct handling of the pet and are always supervised.
  • Children wash their hands after handling the pet and do not have contact with animal faeces, or soiled bedding.
  • Members of staff wear single use vinyl/latex free gloves when cleaning/handling soiled bedding.
  • Snakes and some other reptiles are not suitable pets for the setting due to infection risks.
  • The manager will check with the committee before introducing a new pet into the setting.

Animals brought in by visitors

  • The owner of the animal/creature maintains responsibility for it in the setting.
  • The owner carries out a risk assessment detailing how the animal/creature is to be handled and how any safety or hygiene issues will be addressed.

No dogs on the Government’s Banned Dogs list are to be brought on site at any time. All other dogs brought on site by parents during arrivals and departure times must be on a lead and under control. The manager reserves the right to request that a dog is not brought on site, if the animal appears to be out of control, or likely to pose a risk.

01.17 – Face painting and mehndi

Children are face painted only if parents have given prior written consent. Verbal consent is fine at events where parents are present.

  • A child who does not want to have their face painted will not be made to continue.
  • Children under two years of age are generally not fully face painted, however a nose and whiskers (or similar) is fine. Having an arm or hand painted with a flower, star or butterfly is also an option for very young children who may not sit still.
  • Children with open sores, rashes or other skin conditions are not painted.
  • Glitter based face paints are not used on children under two years of age.
  • Members of staff painting children’s faces wash their hands before doing so, cover any cuts or abrasions and ensure they have the equipment they need close to hand.
  • Only products with ingredients compliant with EU and FDA regulations are used.
  • Clean water is used to wash brushes and sponges between children. Ideally a sponge is used once only before being machine washed on a hot cycle.
  • Staff face painting at an event ensures they have a comfortable chair or shoes if standing, to reduce the risk of back or neck strain. Face painting is an activity that can cause repetitive stress injuries, therefore, regular breaks are not taken at events such as fetes.

Mehndi painting

  • Staff never mehndi paint children under three years old using henna/henna-based products.
  • Parental permission must be gained before staff mehndi paint children over the age of three years old.
  • Children prone to allergies, anaemic or suffering from any illness that may compromise their immune system are never painted under any circumstances.
  • Black henna is never used and only 100% natural red henna (diluted with water) is used on children
  • It is preferable that non-henna products are used to create mehndi patterns but if the setting operates in an area where mehndi is practised by families and the criteria above is followed then henna may be used.

Further guidance

Good Practice in Early Years Infection Control (Alliance 2009)

01.18 – Notifiable incident, non- child protection

Staff respond swiftly, appropriately and effectively in the case of an incident within the setting. Notifiable incidents in this procedure are those not involving child protection.

A ‘notifiable’ incident’ could include:

  • fire or suspected arson
  • electric or Gas fault
  • burst pipe, severe leak or flooding
  • severe weather that has caused an incident or damage to property
  • break-in with vandalism or theft
  • staff, parent or visitor mugged or assaulted on site or in vicinity on the way to or from the setting
  • outbreak of a notifiable disease
  • staff or parent threatened/assaulted on the premises by a parent or visitor
  • accidents due to any other faults (that are reportable under RIDDOR)
  • lost child
  • any event or information that becomes known, that may have implications for the setting or the wider organisation in the future use

The designated health and safety officer:

  • has all emergency services numbers immediately to hand
  • has a list of contacts for maintenance and repair
  • ensure that members of staff know what to do in an emergency
  • risk assess the situation and decides, with the owners/trustees/directors, if the premises are safe to receive children before any children are arrive or to offer a limited service

Emergency evacuation

In most instances, children will not be evacuated from the premises unless there is an immediate risk or unless they are advised to do so by the emergency services.

  • There is an emergency evacuation procedure in place which is unique to the setting and based upon risk assessment in line with others using the building.
  • Emergency evacuation procedures are practised regularly and are reviewed according to risk assessment (as above).
  • Staff evacuate children to a pre-designated area (as per the fire drill), unless advised by the emergency services that the designated area is not suitable at that time.
  • Once evacuated, nobody enters the premises, until the emergency services say so.
  • Members of staff will act upon the advice of the emergency services at all times.
Children will be taken to the garden if there is an emergency situation within the setting.  The designated assembly point for incidents such as fire is the back gates in the garden, unless the issue is near this exit, the children will go out of our front entrance and gather on the front lawn area. 

Emergency Closure

The circumstances under which the setting may be closed due to an incident include:

  • The manager or committee makes the decision to close – thereby withdrawing the service.
  • A third party makes the decision to close for example:
  • a school, where the setting is on a school site
  • the children’s centre (if on a children’s centre site)
  • the emergency services
  • A parent makes the decision for their child not to attend.
  • If a parent makes the decision for their child not to attend due to a critical incident, the child’s fees are due as normal.
  • Further consideration of individual incidents must be done in consultation with the committee.

Recording and reporting

  • On discovery of the notifiable incident, the member of staff reports to the appropriate emergency service, fire, police, ambulance, if those services are needed.
  • The member of staff ensures that the setting manager and/or deputy are informed (if not on the premises at the time) and that the committee is informed.
  • The setting manager completes and sends an incident record to the committee, who, according to the severity of the incident, notifies Ofsted or RIDDOR.
  • If the incident indicates that a crime may have been committed, all staff witness to the incident should make a written statement.
  • Staff do not discuss the incident with the press.

RIDDOR reportable events include:

  • Specified injuries at work, as detailed at hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg453.pdf
  • Fatal accidents to staff, children and visitors (parents).
  • Accidents resulting in the incapacitation of staff for more than seven days.
  • Injuries to members of the public, including parents’ and children, where they are taken to hospital.
  • Dangerous ‘specified’ occurrences, where no-one is injured but they could have been. (these are usually industrial incidents).

This may include:

  • a member of staff injures back at work through lifting and is off for two weeks
  • a parent slips on a wet floor near the water tray and is taken to hospital
  • a child falls from a climbing frame and is taken to hospital
  • the ceiling collapses
  • an outbreak of Legionella

The setting manager informs the committee and completes an accident and/or incident record; witness statements are taken as previously detailed.

  • If the incident is RIDDOR reportable, the setting manager telephones HSE Contact Centre on 0345 300 9923 or reports online at hse.gov.uk/riddor/report.htm
  • RIDDOR Reportable events require reporting to RIDDOR within 15 days of the event occurring.

The local authority investigates all reported injuries, diseases or dangerous occurrences. They will decide if there has been a breach in health and safety regulations and will decide what measures will be taken.

The committee review how the situation was managed, as above, to ensure that investigations were rigorous and that policies and procedures were followed.

If an insurance claim is likely:

  • incidents such as fire, theft or flood are notified to the insurance provider immediately
  • the setting does not admit liability
  • if broken or faulty equipment is involved, it must not be repaired, destroyed or disposed of, in case it is needed during the investigation
  • if communication from a solicitor is received on behalf of the injured party, this is sent directly to the insurance provider; the setting manager will then write to the solicitor to confirm that the letter has been passed on

the incident is not discussed with any outside persons, or other parents, no matter what questions they may ask about their own child’s safety in relation to the incident, as it is regarded as confidential under the Data Protection Act.

01.19 – Terrorist threat/attack and lock-down

Most procedures for handling an emergency are focussed on an event happening in the building. However, in some situations you will be advised to stay put (lock-down) rather than evacuate. ‘Lock-down’ of a building/group of buildings is intended to secure and protect occupants in the proximity of an immediate threat. By controlling movement in an area, emergency services can contain and handle the situation more effectively.

  • The setting manager assesses the likelihood of an incident happening based on their location.
  • The setting manager will check our police website for advice and guidance.
  • Local police contact numbers are clearly displayed for staff to refer to.
  • Staff rehearse simple ‘age appropriate’ actions with the children such as staying low to the floor, keeping quiet and listening to instructions in the same way that fire procedures are practised. Lock-down must be rehearsed and recorded termly.
  • The setting manager is aware of the current terrorist alert level, as available at mi5.gov.uk/threat-levels.
  • We follow any additional advice issued by the local authority.
  • Emergency procedures are reviewed and added to if needed.
  • Information about this procedure is shared with parents and all staff are aware of their role during ‘lockdown’.
  • A text/phone message is issued to parents when lockdown is confirmed.

Suggested wording for parent message:

Due to an incident we have been advised by the emergency services to secure the premises and stay put until we are given the ‘all clear’. Please do not attempt to collect your child until it is safe to do so. We will let you know as soon as we are able to when that is likely to be. In the meantime, we need to keep our telephone lines clear and would appreciate your cooperation in not calling unless it is vital that you speak to us.

Lock-down procedures

If an incident happens the setting manager acts quickly to assess the likelihood of immediate danger. In most cases the assumption will be that it is safer to stay put and place the setting into ‘lockdown’ until the emergency services arrive. As soon as the emergency services arrive at the scene staff comply with their instructions.

During ‘lock-down’

  • Staff and children stay in their designated areas if it is safe to do so.
  • Doors and windows are secured until further instruction is received.
  • Curtains and blinds are closed where possible.
  • Staff and children stay away from windows and doors.
  • Children are encouraged to stay low and keep calm.
  • Staff tune into a local TV or radio station for more information.
  • Staff do NOT make non-essential calls on mobile phones or landlines.
  • If the fire alarm is activated, staff and children remain in their designated area and await further instructions from emergency services, unless the fire is in their area. In which case, they will move to the next room/area, following usual fire procedures.

The door will not be opened once it has been secured until the manager is officially advised “all clear” or is certain it is emergency services at the door.

During lockdown staff do NOT:

  • travel down long corridors
  • assemble in large open areas
  • call 999 again unless there is immediate concern for their safety, the safety of others, or they feel they have critical information that must be passed on

Following lockdown:

  • Staff will cooperate with emergency services to assist in an orderly evacuation.
  • Staff will ensure that they have the register and children’s details.
  • Staff or children who have witnessed an incident will need to tell the police what they saw. The police may require other individuals to remain available for questioning.
  • In the event of an incident it is inevitable that parents will want to come to the setting and collect their children immediately. They will be discouraged from doing so, until the emergency services give the ‘all clear’. Staff will be always acting on the advice of the emergency services.

Recording and reporting

  • The setting manager reports the lockdown to their line manager as soon as possible. In some situations, this may not be until after the event.
  • A record is completed as soon as possible.

Further guidance

Members of the public should always remain alert to the danger of terrorism and report any suspicious activity to the police on 999 or the anti-terrorist hotline: 0800 789 321.

For non-emergency, call the police on 101.

02 – Fire Safety Policy

Alongside associated procedures in 02.1 Fire safety, this policy was adopted by St. John’s Pre-School on 29/01/2024.

Designated Fire Marshals are: Claire Speakman and Sandra Grimwood


Our provision is a suitable, clean, and safe place for children to be cared for, where they can grow and learn. We meet all statutory requirements about fire safety and fulfil the criteria for meeting the relevant Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements.


  • We recognise that we have a corporate responsibility and a duty of care for those who work in and receive a service from our provision, but individual employees and service users also have a responsibility to ensure their own safety as well as that of others. Risk assessment is the key means through which this is achieved.
  • A fire safety risk assessment is carried out by a competent person in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
  • A Fire Log is completed and regularly updated.
  • Necessary equipment is in place to promote fire safety.

Legal references

Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005)

Electricity at Work Regulations (1989)

Further guidance

Fire Safety Record (Early Years Alliance 2019)

Fire Safety Risk Assessment: Educational Premises www.communities.gov.uk/publications/fire/firesafetyrisk6

02.1 – Fire Safety

The setting manager has access to, or a copy of, the fire safety procedures specific to the building and ensure they align with these procedures. The setting manager makes reasonable adjustments as required to ensure the two documents do not contradict each other.

Fire safety risk assessment

02.1a Fire safety risk assessment form is carried out in each area of the setting by a competent person using the five steps to fire safety risk assessment as follows:

  1. Identify fire hazards
    • Sources of ignition.
    • Sources of fuel.
    • Sources of oxygen (including oxygen tanks for disabled children).
  1. Identify people at risk
    • People in and around the premises.
    • People especially at risk including very young babies, less ambulant disabled children or those using specialised equipment, such as splints, standing frames.
  1. Evaluate, remove, reduce and protect from the risk
    • Evaluate the risk of the fire occurring.
    • Evaluate the risk to people from a fire starting on the premises.
    • Remove and reduce the hazards that may cause a fire.
    • Remove and reduce the risks to people from a fire.
  1. Record, plan, inform, instruct, train
    • Record significant findings and action taken.
    • Prepare an emergency plan.
    • Inform and instruct relevant people; inform and cooperate with others.
    • Provide training.
  1. Review
    • Keep assessment under review and revise when necessary.

The fire safety risk assessment focuses on the following for each area:

  • Electrical plugs, wires, sockets.
  • Electrical items.
  • Gas boilers.
  • Flammable materials, including furniture, furnishings, paper etc.
  • Flammable chemicals (which are also covered in COSHH).
  • Means of escape.
  • Any other, as identified.

Fire safety precautions include:

  • All electrical equipment is checked by a qualified electrician annually.
  • Any faulty electrical equipment is taken out of use and recorded as such or condemned (whichever is necessary).
  • Sockets are covered. This is different to using plug sockets inserts, a socket cover, covers the whole socket, including the switch and is safe to use.
  • Water and electrical items do not come into contact; staff do not touch electrical items with wet hands.
  • All fire safety equipment is checked annually.
  • Gas boilers and cookers are checked and serviced annually by a Gas Safe registered engineer.
  • If matches are used in the kitchen, they are kept in a drawer.
  • Oxygen tanks.

Fire Drills

  • Fire Drills (to include emergency evacuation procedures) are held at least termly.
  • Drills are recorded, including:
  • date of drill
  • staff involved and numbers of children
  • how long it took to evacuate
  • any reason for a delay in achieving the target time and how this will be remedied

Fire precautions

  • Fire exit signs are the green ‘running man’ signs and are in place and clearly visible.
  • Fire exits by doors are those that show a green light at night.
  • Fire doors are not locked during normal working hours.
  • Fire evacuation notices are in every room; these are displayed in print large enough to read from a short distance. They say where the assembly point is.
  • Fire alarms are in place and tested monthly, and where necessary supplemented with visual warnings. This is recorded.
  • Smoke alarms are in place and tested monthly. This is recorded.
  • A fire blanket is in place in the kitchen (and any other location where there is a cooker).
  • Fire extinguishers are in place and are appropriate

Further guidance

Dynamic Risk Management (Alliance 2017)

Fire Safety Record (Early Years Alliance 2019)

Fire Safety Risk Assessment: Educational Premises (HMG 2006): www.gov.uk/government/publications/fire-safety-risk-assessment-educational-premises

Fire Safety Risk Assessment Form

02.01a Fire safety risk assessment form

03 – Food safety and nutrition policy

Alongside associated procedures in 03.1-03.3 Food safety and nutrition, this policy was adopted by St John’s Pre-School on 29/01/2024.


Our setting is a suitable, clean, and safe place for children to be cared for, where they can grow and learn. We meet all statutory requirements for food safety and fulfil the criteria for meeting the relevant Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare requirements


  • We recognise that we have a corporate responsibility and duty of care for those who work in and receive a service from our provision, but individual employees and service users also have responsibility for ensuring their own safety as well as that of others. Risk assessment is the key means through which this is achieved.
  • Procedure 01.3 Kitchen is followed for general hygiene and safety in food preparation areas.
  • We provide nutritionally sound snacks which promote health and reduce the risk of obesity and heart disease that may begin in childhood.
  • Following dietary guidelines to promote health also means taking account of guidelines to reduce risk of disease caused by unhealthy eating.
  • Parents share information about their children’s particular dietary needs with staff when they enrol their children and on an on-going basis with their key person. This information is shared with all staff who are involved in the care of the child.
  • Foods provided by the setting for children have any allergenic ingredients identified on the menus.
  • Care is taken to ensure that children with food allergies do not have contact with food products that they are allergic to.
  • Risk assessments are conducted for each individual child who has a food allergy or specific dietary requirement.

Legal references

Regulation (EC) 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs.

Food Information Regulations 2014

The Childcare Act 2006

Further guidance

Safer Food Better Business for Caterers (Food Standards Agency)

03.1 – Food preparation, storage and purchase


  • All staff have up to date certificated training on food safety.
  • The setting manager or deputy manager are responsible for ensuring that the requirements in Safer Food Better Business are implemented.
  • Staff responsible for preparing food have undertaken the Food Allergy Online Training CPD module available at http://allergytraining.food.gov.uk/.
  • The setting manager/deputy manager is responsible for overseeing the work of all food handlers to ensure hygiene and allergy procedures are complied with.
  • The setting manager has responsibility for conducting risk assessment based on the ‘Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point’ method set out in Safer Food Better Business.
  • The setting manager/deputy manager maintain a Food Allergy and Dietary Needs folder with:
    • a list of all children with known food allergies or dietary needs updated at least once a term (the personal/medical details about the allergy or dietary needs remain in the child’s file along with a copy of the risk assessment). This is clearly displayed for all staff and the risk assessment shared with all staff.
    • a record of food menus along with any allergens using
    • a copy of the FSA booklet ‘Allergen information for loose foods’ available at www.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/media/document/loosefoodsleaflet.pdf
    • a copy of the Food Allergy Online Training CPD certificate for each member of staff that has undertaken the training
  • The setting manager is responsible for informing the committee who then reports to Ofsted any food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on the premises. Notification must be made as soon as possible and within 14 days of the incident. The manager could also report this to Ofsted.

Purchasing and storing food

  • Food is purchased from reputable suppliers.
  • Pre-packed food (any food or ingredient that is made by one business and sold by another such as a retailer or caterer) is checked for allergen ingredients and this information is communicated to parents alongside menu information. For example, a meat pie bought at a supermarket or a tin of baked beans or the ingredients for a recipe prepared on site.
  • If food that is not pre-packed (described as ‘loose food’), such as sandwiches bought from a bakery is served, then allergen information will have been provided by the retailer, this information must then be shared in the same way with parents.
  • Parents are requested not to bring food that contains nuts. Staff check packets to make sure they do not contain nuts or nut products.
  • Bulk buy is avoided where food may go out of date before use.
  • All opened dried food stuff is stored in airtight containers.
  • Dried packaged food is not decanted from packaging into large bins or containers as this prevents monitoring of sell by/use by dates and allergen information.
  • Food is regularly checked for sell by/use by dates and any expired items are discarded.
  • Bottles and jars are cleaned before returning to the cupboards.
  • Items are not stored on the floor; floors are kept clear so they can be easily swept.
  • Perishable foods such as dairy produce, meat and fish are to be used the next/same day. Soft fruit and easily perishable vegetables are kept in the fridge at 1- 5 Celsius.
  • Packaged frozen food should be used by their ‘used by’ dates.
  • Food left over should not be frozen unless it has been prepared for freezing, such as home-made bread or stews. Hot food should be left to cool for up to 1.5 hours and then quickly frozen.
  • Freezer containers should be labelled, dated and used within 1-3 months.
  • Fridge and freezer thermometers should be in place. Recommended temperatures for the fridge 37 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius), and freezers 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius). Temperatures must be checked and recorded daily to ensure correct temperatures are being maintained.
  • Freezers are defrosted every 3 months or according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Meat/fish is stored on lower shelves and in drip-free dishes.
  • Fruit and vegetables stored in the fridge are washed thoroughly before refrigeration to reduce risk of pests and E.coli contamination.
  • Staff’s own food or drink should be kept in a separate designated area of the fridge; where possible, a fridge should be kept in the staff room to avoid mix ups.
  • Items in fridges must be regularly checked to ensure they are not past use by dates.

Preparation of food

  • Food handlers must check the content of food/packets to ensure they do not contain allergens.
  • Food allergens must be identified on menus.
  • Food handlers wash hands and cover any cuts or abrasions before handling food.
  • Separate boards and knives are used for chopping food, usually colour coded.
  • Raw and cooked foods are prepared separately.
  • Meat and fish should be washed and patted dry with paper towels. This does not include chicken which must not be washed because of the risk of campylobacter.
  • All vegetables and fruit are washed before preparing.
  • Food left out is covered, for example when cooling down.
  • Frozen meat, fish and prepared foods are thawed properly before cooking.
  • Meat and fish are cooked thoroughly; a food probe is to be used to check the temperature of roasted meat or cooked meat products.
  • Where a microwave is used, food is cooked according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally, it is not used to heat children’s food and never used to heat babies’ bottles.
  • Microwaved food is left to stand for a few minutes before serving.
  • A food probe is used to check the temperature of food, including when heated in a microwave; it is checked in a number of places to avoid ‘hot spots’.
  • Food is cooked in time for serving and is not prepared in advance of serving times.
  • Hot cupboards or ovens are not used to keep food warm.
  • Potatoes and vegetables are peeled when needed, not in advance and left in water.
  • Food prepared and cooked for different religious dietary needs and preferences, such as Halal or Kosher meat is cooked in separate pans and served separately.
  • Food cooked for vegetarians does not come into contact with meat or fish or products.
  • Food cooked and prepared for children with specific dietary needs is cooked in separate pans and served separately.
  • A separate toaster is kept and used for children with a wheat or gluten allergy.
  • Food prepared for children with dietary needs and preferences is clearly labelled and every effort is made to prevent cross-contamination.
  • Raw eggs are not to be given in any form, such as mousse or mayonnaise.
  • When given to children, eggs are fully cooked.

Serving Food

  • Food is served for children in separate covered containers for each table.
  • Staff risk assess the likelihood of children with dietary restrictions accessing the food of other children and must take appropriate action to prevent this from happening, for example:
    • check the list of children’s dietary requirements displayed in the food preparation area
    • coloured plates
    • other methods as agreed by the setting manager
  • Children with allergies/food preferences are not made to feel ‘singled out’ by the methods used to manage their allergy/food preference.
  • Food served to children with identified allergies is checked by the key person to ensure that the meal (and its ingredients) does not contain any of the allergens for that child.
  • The child’s key person remains present throughout the child’s mealtime or another designated member of staff in their absence.
  • Food is taken from the kitchen to the rooms on a trolley, not carried across rooms.
  • Tables are cleaned before and after, with soapy water or a suitable non-bleach product.
  • Members of staff serving food wash their hands and cover any cuts with a blue plaster.

E.coli prevention

Staff who are preparing and handling food, especially food that is not pre-prepared for consumption e.g. fruit and vegetables grown on the premises, must be aware of the potential spread of E.coli and must clean and store food in accordance with the E.coli 0157 guidance, available at:


Further guidance

Eat Better, Start Better (Action for Children 207) www.foundationyears.org.uk/eat-better-start-better/

Example Menus for Early Years Settings in England (PHE 2017) www.gov.uk/government/publications/example-menus-for-early-years-settings-in-england

Safe Food Better Business www.food.gov.uk/business-guidance/safer-food-better-business-sfbb

Allergen information for loose foods (Food Standards Agency 2017) www.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/media/document/loosefoodsleaflet.pdf

Campylobacter (Food Standards Agency) www.food.gov.uk/news-updates/campaigns/campylobacter/fsw-2014

03.2 – Food for play and cooking activities

Some parents and staff may have strong views about food being used for play. It is important to be sensitive to these issues. For example, children who are Muslim, Jewish, Rastafarian, or who are vegetarian, should not be given any food to play with that contains animal products (Gelatine). Parents’ views should be sought on this. In some cases, it is not appropriate to use food for play at all, particularly in times of austerity.

  • Food for play may include dough, corn flour, pasta, rice, food colourings/flavourings.
  • Jelly (including jelly cubes) is not used for play.
  • Food for play is risk assessed against the 14 allergens referred to and is included in the written risk assessment undertaken for children with specific allergies.
  • Staff are constantly alert to the potential hazards of food play, in particular choking hazards and signs of previously undetected allergies.
  • Pulses are not recommended as they can be poisonous when raw or may choke.
  • The use of raw vegetables for printing is discouraged.
  • Dried food that is used for play should be kept away from food used for cooking.
  • Foods that are cooked and used for play, such as dough, have a limited shelf life.
  • Cornflour is always mixed with water before being given for play.
  • Cornflour and cooked pasta are discarded after an activity; high risk of bacteria forming.
  • Utensils used for play food are washed thoroughly after use.

Children’s cooking activities

  • Before undertaking any cooking activity with children, members of staff should check for allergies and intolerances by checking children’s records.
  • Children are taught basic hygiene skills such as the need to wash hands thoroughly before handling food, and again after going to the toilet, blowing their nose or coughing.
  • The area to be used for cooking is cleaned; a plastic tablecloth is advised.
  • Children should wear aprons that are used just for cooking.
  • Utensils provided are for children to use only when cooking, including chopping/rolling boards, bowls, wooden spoons, jugs, and are stored in the kitchen.
  • Members of staff encourage children to handle food in a hygienic manner.
  • Food ready for cooking or cooling is not left uncovered.
  • Cooked food to go home is put in a paper food bag and refrigerated until home time.

Food play activities are suspended during outbreaks of illness.

03.3 – Meeting dietary requirements

Snack times and lunch times are an important part of the day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating. We aim to provide nutritious food, which meets the children’s individual dietary needs and preferences.

  • Staff discuss and record children’s dietary needs, allergies and any ethnic or cultural food preferences with their parents.
  • If a child has a known food allergy, procedure 04.4 Allergies and food intolerance is followed.
  • Staff record information about each child’s dietary needs in the individual child’s registration form; parents sign the form to signify that it is correct.
  • Up-to-date information about individual children’s dietary needs is displayed so that all staff and volunteers are fully informed.
  • Staff ensure that children receive only food and drink that is consistent with their dietary needs and cultural or ethnic preferences, as well as their parent’s wishes.
  • The menu of snacks are displayed on the parent notice board for parents to view. Foods that contain any food allergens are identified.
  • Staff aim to include food diets from children’s cultural backgrounds when possible, providing children with familiar foods and introducing them to new ones.
  • Through on-going discussion with parents and research reading by staff, staff obtain information about the dietary rules of the religious groups to which children and their parents belong, and of vegetarians and vegans, as well as about food allergies. Staff take account of this information when providing food and drink.
  • Staff provide a vegetarian alternative when meat and fish are offered.
  • If Halal meat or Kosher food is part of a child’s diet, a vegetarian option is available; this will be discussed and agreed with parents at the time of the child’s registration.
  • All staff show sensitivity in providing for children’s diets, allergies and cultural or ethnic food preferences. A child’s diet or allergy is never used as a label for the child, they are not made to feel ‘singled out’ because of their diet, allergy or cultural/ethnic food preferences.
  • Fresh drinking water is available throughout the day. Staff inform children how to obtain the drinking water and that they can ask for water at any time during the day.
  • Lunch and snack times are organised as social occasions.

Fussy/faddy eating

  • Children who are showing signs of ‘fussy or faddy eating’ are not forced to eat anything they do not want to.
  • Staff recognise the signs that a child has had enough and remove uneaten food without comment.
  • Children are not made to stay at the table after others have left if they refuse to eat certain items of food.

Staff work in partnership with parents to support them with children who are showing signs of ‘faddy or fussy eating’ and sign post them to further advice, for example, How to Manage Simple Faddy Eating in Toddlers (Infant & Toddler Forum) https://infantandtoddlerforum.org/health-and-childcare-professionals/factsheets/

04 – Health policy

Alongside associated procedures in 04.1-04.7 Health, this policy was adopted by St John’s Pre-School on 30th January 2024.


Our provision is a suitable, clean, and safe place for children to be cared for, where they can grow and learn. They meet all statutory requirements for promoting health and hygiene and fulfil the criteria for meeting the relevant Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare requirements.


We promote health through:

  • ensuring emergency and first aid treatment is given where necessary
  • ensuring that medicine necessary to maintain health is given correctly and in accordance with legal requirements
  • identifying allergies and preventing contact with the allergenic substance
  • identifying food ingredients that contain recognised allergens and displaying this information for parents
  • promoting health through taking necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection and taking appropriate action when children are ill
  • promoting healthy lifestyle choices through diet and exercise
  • pandemic flu planning or illness outbreak management as per DfE and World Health Organisation (WHO) guidance

Legal references

Medicines Act (1968)

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (2002)

Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981

Food Information Regulations 2014

Further guidance

Accident Record (Early Years Alliance 2019)

04.1 – Accidents and emergency treatment

Person responsible for checking and stocking first aid box: Sandra Grimwood

The setting provides care for children and promotes health by ensuring emergency and first aid treatment is given as required. There are also procedures for managing food allergies in section 03 Food safety and nutrition.

  • Parents’ consent to emergency medical treatment consent on registration.
  • At least one person who has a current paediatric first aid (PFS) certificate is on the premises and available at all times when children are present, however we try to ensure all staff are paediatric first aiders, who regularly update their training; First Aid certificates are renewed at least every three years.
  • All members of staff know the location of First Aid boxes, the contents of which are in line with St John’s Ambulance recommendations as follows:
  • 20 individually wrapped sterile plasters (assorted sizes)
  • 2 sterile eye pads
  • 4 individually wrapped triangular bandages (preferably sterile)
  • 6 safety pins
  • 2 large, individually wrapped, sterile, unmedicated wound dressings
  • 6 medium, individually wrapped, sterile, unmedicated wound dressings
  • a pair of disposable gloves
  • adhesive tape
  • a plastic face shield (optional)
  • No other item is stored in a First Aid box.
  • Vinyl single use gloves are also kept near to (not in) the box, as well as a thermometer.
  • There is a named person in the setting who is responsible for checking and replenishing the First Aid Box contents.
  • A supply of ice is kept in the main kitchen fridge/freezer.
  • For minor injuries and accidents, First Aid treatment is given by a qualified first aider; the event is recorded in the setting’s Accident Record forms. Parents may have a photo-copy of the accident form on request.
  • In the event of minor injuries or accidents, parents are normally informed when they collect their child, unless the child is unduly upset or members of staff have any concerns about the injury. In which case they will contact the parent for clarification of what they would like to do, i.e. collect the child or take them home and seek further advice from NHS 111.

Serious accidents or injuries

  • An ambulance is called for children requiring emergency treatment.
  • First aid is given until the ambulance arrives on scene. If at any point it is suspected that the child has died, 06.10 Death of a child on site procedure is implemented and the police are called immediately.
  • The registration form is taken to the hospital with the child.
  • Parents or carers are contacted and informed of what has happened and where their child is being taken to.
  • The setting manager arranges for a taxi to take the child and carer to hospital for further checks, if deemed to be necessary.

Recording and reporting

  • In the event of a serious accident, injury, or serious illness, the designated person notifies the designated officer using 6.1c Confidential safeguarding incident report form as soon as possible.
  • The setting manager is consulted before a RIDDOR report is filed.
  • If required, a RIDDOR form is completed; one copy is sent to the parent, one for the child’s file and one for the local authority Health and Safety Officer.
  • The committee are notified by the setting manager of any serious accident or injury to, or serious illness of, or the death of, any child whilst in their care in order to be able to notify Ofsted and any advice given will be acted upon. Notification to Ofsted is made as soon as is reasonably practicable and always within 14 days of the incident occurring. The designated person will, after consultation with the committee, inform local child protection agencies of these events

Further guidance

Accident Record (Early Years Alliance 2019)

04.2 – Administration of medicine

Key persons are responsible for administering medication to their key children; ensuring consent forms are completed, medicines stored correctly and records kept.

Administering medicines during the child’s session will only be done if absolutely necessary.

If a child has not been given a prescription medicine before, especially a baby/child under two, it is advised that parents keep them at home for 48 hours to ensure no adverse effect, and to give it time to take effect. The setting managers must check the insurance policy document to be clear about what conditions must be reported to the insurance provider.

Consent for administering medication

  • Only a person with parental responsibility (PR), or a foster carer may give consent. A childminder, grandparent, parent’s partner who does not have PR, cannot give consent.
  • When bringing in medicine, the parent informs their key person/back up key person, or room senior if the key person is not available. The setting manager should also be informed.
  • The medicine will be handed to a senior member of staff/room leader and the staff member on the door that morning will ask the parent to complete a medication/consent form. This information will be shared with all staff in the room.
  • Staff who receive the medication, check it is in date and prescribed specifically for the current condition. It must be in the original container (not decanted into a separate bottle). It must be labelled with the child’s name and original pharmacist’s label if prescribed.
  • Medication dispensed by a hospital pharmacy will not have the child’s details on the label but should have a dispensing label. Staff must check with parents and record the circumstance of the events and hospital instructions as relayed to them by the parents.
  • Members of staff who receive the medication ask the parent to sign a consent form stating the following information. No medication is given without these details:
  • full name of child and date of birth
  • name of medication and strength
  • who prescribed it (if applicable)
  • dosage to be given
  • how the medication should be stored and expiry date
  • a note of any possible side effects that may be expected
  • signature and printed name of parent and date

Storage of medicines

All medicines are stored safely. Refrigerated medication is stored separately or clearly labelled in the kitchen fridge, or in a marked box in the main kitchen fridge.

  • Medicine is stored on a shelf in the door of the kitchen fridge when required. Inhalers are stored in a box in the store/toy cupboard within the hall so they are quickly accessible.  Other medication is stored in a locked medicine cupboard in the kitchen.  All staff are informed if children are on medication and where it is located.
  • The key person is responsible for ensuring medicine is handed back at the end of the day to the parent.
  • For some conditions, medication for an individual child may be kept at the setting. 04.2a Healthcare plan form must be completed. Key persons check that it is in date and return any out-of-date medication to the parent.
  • Parents do not access where medication is stored, to reduce the possibility of a mix-up with medication for another child, or staff not knowing there has been a change.

Record of administering medicines

A record of medicines administered is kept near the medicine cabinet or in the child’s group room, or in the setting manager’s office. Settings can choose which works best for them, as long as members of staff are aware and it is consistent.

Insert details of where medicine record books are kept in your setting. State how members of staff are informed of this and how they will be taught to complete them correctly.

The medicine record book records:

  • name of child
  • name and strength of medication
  • the date and time of dose
  • dose given and method
  • signed by key person/setting manager
  • verified by parent signature at the end of the day

A witness signs the medicine record book to verify that they have witnessed medication being given correctly according to the procedures here.

  • No child may self-administer. If children are capable of understanding when they need medication, e.g. for asthma, they are encouraged to tell their key person what they need. This does not replace staff vigilance in knowing and responding.
  • The medication records are monitored to look at the frequency of medication being given. For example, a high incidence of antibiotics being prescribed for a number of children at similar times may indicate a need for better infection control.

Children with long term medical conditions requiring ongoing medication

  • Risk assessment is carried out for children that require ongoing medication. This is the responsibility of the setting manager and key person. Other medical or social care personnel may be involved in the risk assessment.
  • Parents contribute to risk assessment. They are shown around the setting, understand routines and activities and discuss any risk factor for their child.
  • For some medical conditions, key staff will require basic training to understand it and know how medication is administered. Training needs is part of the risk assessment.
  • Risk assessment includes any activity that may give cause for concern regarding an individual child’s health needs.
  • Risk assessment also includes arrangements for medicines on outings; advice from the child’s GP’s is sought if necessary, where there are concerns.
  • 2a Health care plan form is completed fully with the parent; outlining the key person’s role and what information is shared with other staff who care for the child.
  • The plan is reviewed every six months (more if needed). This includes reviewing the medication, for example, changes to the medication or the dosage, any side effects noted etc.

Managing medicines on trips and outings

  • Children are accompanied by their key person, or other staff member who is fully informed about their needs and medication.
  • Medication is taken in a plastic box labelled with the child’s name, name of medication, copy of the consent form and a card to record administration, with details as above.
  • The card is later stapled to the medicine record book and the parent signs it.
  • If a child on medication has to be taken to hospital, the child’s medication is taken in a sealed plastic box clearly labelled as above.

Staff taking medication

Staff taking medication must inform their manager. The medication must be stored securely in staff lockers or a secure area away from the children. The manager must be made aware of any contra-indications for the medicine so that they can risk assess and take appropriate action as required.

Further guidance

Medication Administration Record (Early Years Alliance 2019)

Health Care Plan Form

04.02a Health care plan

04.3 – Life-saving medication and invasive treatments

Life-saving medication and invasive treatments may include adrenaline injections (Epipens) for anaphylactic shock reactions (caused by allergies to nuts, eggs etc) or invasive treatment such as rectal administration of Diazepam (for epilepsy).

  • The key person responsible for the intimate care of children who require life-saving medication or invasive treatment will undertake their duties in a professional manner having due regard to the procedures listed above.
  • The child’s welfare is paramount, and their experience of intimate and personal care should be positive. Every child is treated as an individual and care is given gently and sensitively; no child should be attended to in a way that causes distress or pain.
  • The key person works in close partnership with parents/carers and other professionals to share information and provide continuity of care.
  • Children with complex and/or long-term health conditions have a health care plan (04.2a) in place which takes into account the principles and best practice guidance given here.
  • Key persons have appropriate training for administration of treatment and are aware of infection control best practice, for example, using personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Key persons speak directly to the child, explaining what they are doing as appropriate to the child’s age and level of comprehension.
  • Children’s right to privacy and modesty is respected. Another educator is usually present during the process.

Record keeping

For a child who requires invasive treatment the following must be in place from the outset:

  • a letter from the child’s GP/consultant stating the child’s condition and what medication if any is to be administered
  • written consent from parents allowing members of staff to administer medication
  • proof of training in the administration of such medication by the child’s GP, a district nurse, children’s nurse specialist or a community paediatric nurse
  • a healthcare plan (04.2a)

Copies of all letters relating to these children must be sent to the insurance provider for appraisal. Confirmation will then be issued in writing confirming that the insurance has been extended. A record is made in the medication record book of the intimate/invasive treatment each time it is given.


  • Children who require physiotherapy whilst attending the setting should have this carried out by a trained physiotherapist.
  • If it is agreed in the health care plan that the key person should undertake part of the physiotherapy regime then the required technique must be demonstrated by the physiotherapist personally; written guidance must also be given and reviewed regularly. The physiotherapist should observe the educator applying the technique in the first instance.

Safeguarding/child protection

  • Educators recognise that children with SEND are particularly vulnerable to all types of abuse, therefore the safeguarding procedures are followed rigorously.
  • If an educator has any concerns about physical changes noted during a procedure, for example unexplained marks or bruising then the concerns are discussed with the designated person for safeguarding and the relevant procedure is followed.

Treatments such as inhalers or Epi-pens must be immediately accessible in an emergency.

04.4 – Allergies and food intolerance

When a child starts at the setting, parents are asked if their child has any known allergies or food intolerance. This information is recorded on the registration form.

  • If a child has an allergy or food intolerance, 01.1a Generic risk assessment form is completed with the following information:
    • the risk identified – the allergen (i.e. the substance, material or living creature the child is allergic to such as nuts, eggs, bee stings, cats etc.)
    • the level of risk, taking into consideration the likelihood of the child coming into contact with the allergen
    • control measures, such as prevention from contact with the allergen
    • review measures
  • 2a Health care plan form must be completed with:
    • the nature of the reaction e.g. anaphylactic shock reaction, including rash, reddening of skin, swelling, breathing problems etc.
    • managing allergic reactions, medication used and method (e.g. Epipen)
  • The child’s name is added to the Dietary Requirements list.
  • A copy of the risk assessment and health care plan is kept in the child’s personal file and is shared with all staff.
  • Parents show staff how to administer medication in the event of an allergic reaction.
  • Generally, no nuts or nut products are used within the setting.
  • Parents are made aware, so that no nut or nut products are accidentally brought in.
  • Any foods containing food allergens are identified on children’s menus.

Oral Medication

  • Oral medication must be prescribed or have manufacturer’s instructions written on them.
  • Staff must be provided with clear written instructions for administering such medication.
  • All risk assessment procedures are adhered to for the correct storage and administration of the medication.
  • The setting must have the parents’ prior written consent. Consent is kept on file.

For other life-saving medication and invasive treatments please refer to 04.2 Administration of medicine.

04.5 – Poorly children

  • If a child appears unwell during the day, for example has a raised temperature of over 37.5, sickness, diarrhoea* and/or pains, particularly in the head or stomach then the setting manager calls the parents and asks them to collect the child or send a known carer to collect on their behalf.
  • If a child has a raised temperature, they are kept cool by removing top clothing, sponging their heads with cool water and kept away from draughts.
  • A child’s temperature is taken and checked regularly, using Fever Scans or other means i.e. ear thermometer.
  • In an emergency an ambulance is called and the parents are informed.
  • Parents are advised to seek medical advice before returning them to the setting; the setting can refuse admittance to children who have a raised temperature, sickness and diarrhoea or a contagious infection or disease.
  • Where children have been prescribed antibiotics for an infectious illness or complaint, parents are asked to keep them at home for 48 hours.
  • After diarrhoea or vomiting, parents are asked to keep children home for 48 hours following the last episode.
  • After a child has been sent home with a temperature, parents are asked to keep children home for 24 hours.
  • Some activities such as sand and water play and self-serve snack will be suspended for the duration of any outbreak.
  • The setting has information about excludable diseases and exclusion times.
  • The setting manager notifies the committee if there is an outbreak of an infection (affects more than 3-4 children) and keeps a record of the numbers and duration of each event.
  • The setting manager has a list of notifiable diseases and contacts the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and Ofsted in the event of an outbreak.
  • If staff suspect that a child who falls ill whilst in their care is suffering from a serious disease that may have been contracted abroad such as Ebola, immediate medical assessment is required. The setting manager or deputy calls NHS111 and informs parents.

HIV/AIDS procedure

HIV virus, like other viruses such as Hepatitis, (A, B and C), are spread through body fluids. Hygiene precautions for dealing with body fluids are the same for all children and adults.

  • Single use vinyl gloves and aprons are worn when changing children’s nappies, pants and clothing that are soiled with blood, urine, faeces or vomit.
  • Protective rubber gloves are used for cleaning/sluicing clothing after changing.
  • Soiled clothing is rinsed and bagged for parents to collect.
  • Spills of blood, urine, faeces or vomit are cleared using mild disinfectant solution and mops; cloths used are disposed of with clinical waste.
  • Tables and other furniture or toys affected by blood, urine, faeces or vomit are cleaned using a disinfectant.
  • Baby mouthing toys are kept clean and plastic toys cleaned in sterilising solution regularly.

Nits and head lice

  • Nits and head lice are not an excludable condition; although in exceptional cases parents may be asked to keep the child away from the setting until the infestation has cleared.
  • On identifying cases of head lice, all parents are informed and asked to treat their child and all the family, using current recommended treatments methods if they are found.

*Diarrhoea is defined as 3 or more liquid or semi-liquid stools in a 24-hour period. (www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-protection-in-schools-and-other-childcare-facilities/chapter-9-managing-specific-infectious-diseases#diarrhoea-and-vomiting-gastroenteritis)

**Paracetamol based medicines (e.g. Calpol)

The use of paracetamol-based medicine may not be agreed in all cases. A setting cannot take bottles of non-prescription medicine from parents to hold on a ‘just in case’ basis, unless there is an immediate reason for doing so. Settings do not normally keep such medicine on the premises as they are not allowed to ‘prescribe’. However, given the risks to very young babies of high temperatures, insurers may allow minor infringement of the regulations as the risk of not administering may be greater. Ofsted is normally in agreement with this. In all cases, parents of children under two years must sign to say they agree to the setting administering paracetamol-based medicine in the case of high temperature on the basis that they are on their way to collect. Such medicine should never be used to reduce temperature so that a child can stay in the care of the setting for a normal day. The use of emergency medicine does not apply to children over 2 years old. A child over two who is not well, and has a temperature, must be kept cool and the parents asked to collect straight away.

Whilst the brand name Calpol is referenced, there are other products which are paracetamol or Ibuprofen based pain and fever relief such as Nurofen for children over 3 months.

 Further guidance

Good Practice in Early Years Infection Control (Alliance Publication)

Medication Administration Record (Alliance Publication)

Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings (Public Health Agency) https://www.publichealth.hscni.net/sites/default/files/Guidance_on_infection_control_in%20schools_poster.pdf

04.5a – Infection control

Good practice infection control is paramount in early years settings. Young children’s immune systems are still developing, and they are therefore more susceptible to illness.


  • Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have symptoms of an infectious illness do not attend settings and stay at home for the recommended exclusion time (see below UKHSA link).
  • Always clean hands thoroughly, and more often than usual where there is an infection outbreak.
  • Ensure good respiratory hygiene amongst children and staff by promoting ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.
  • Where necessary, for instance, where there is an infection outbreak, wear appropriate PPE.

Response to an infection outbreak

Informing others

Early years providers have a duty to inform Ofsted of any serious accidents, illnesses or injuries as follows:

  • anything that requires resuscitation
  • admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours
  • a broken bone or fracture
  • dislocation of any major joint, such as the shoulder, knee, hip or elbow
  • any loss of consciousness
  • severe breathing difficulties, including asphyxia
  • anything leading to hypothermia or heat-induced illness

In some circumstances this may include a confirmed case of a Notifiable Disease in their setting, if it meets the criteria defined by Ofsted above. Please note that it is not the responsibility of the setting to diagnose a notifiable disease. This can only be done by a clinician (GP or Doctor). If a child is displaying symptoms that indicate they may be suffering from a notifiable disease, parents must be advised to seek a medical diagnosis, which will then be ‘notified’ to the relevant body. Once a diagnosis is confirmed, the setting may be contacted by the UKHSA, or may wish to contact them for further advice.

Further guidance

Good Practice in Early Years Infection Control (Alliance Publication)

05 – Promoting Inclusion, Equality and Valuing Diversity Policy

Alongside associated procedures in 05.1 Promoting inclusion, equality and diversity, this policy was adopted by St. Johns Pre-School on 13th November 2023.

All early years settings must consider and meet relevant employer and service provider duties as set out in the Equality Act (2010). Those in receipt of funding must eliminate discrimination including indirect, direct discrimination, discrimination and harassment based on association and perception and discrimination for reason relating to a disability or by failing to make a reasonable adjustment to any provision, criterion, or practice. This duty is anticipatory. Settings must advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations with individuals and groups with protected characteristics namely disability, race (ethnicity), religion and belief, sexual orientation, sex (gender), gender reassignment, age, pregnancy and maternity, marriage, and civil partnership.


Our provision actively promotes inclusion, equality of opportunity and the valuing of diversity.


We support the definition of inclusion as stated by the Early Childhood Forum:

Inclusion is the process of identifying, understanding and breaking down the barriers to participation and belonging.’

We interpret this as consisting of several tasks and processes in relation not only to children but also to parents and visitors in the setting. These tasks and processes include awareness and knowledge of relevant barriers to inclusion for those with a protected characteristic namely:

  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • sex (gender)
  • age
  • marriage or civil partnership (in relation to employment)

This includes unlawful behaviour towards people with protected characteristics. Unlawful behaviour being direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, associative discrimination, discrimination by perception, harassment, and victimisation (in addition, we are aware of the inequality that users facing socio-economic disadvantaged may also encounter). We will not tolerate behaviour from an adult which demonstrates dislike and prejudice towards groups and individuals living outside the UK (xenophobia). This also applies to the same behaviour towards specific groups of people and individuals who are British Citizens residing in the UK.

We promote understanding of discrimination – through training and staff development – the causes and effects of discrimination on both adults and children and the long- term impact of discrimination; the need to protect children from discrimination and ensure that early years practice is both accessible and inclusive; the need for relevant support to allow children to develop into confident adults with a strong positive self-identity.

  • Developing practice that includes:
  • Developing an environment which reflects the ‘kaleidoscope’ of factors that can provide settings with a myriad of influences and ideas for exploring and celebrating difference.
  • Ensuring that barriers to inclusion are identified and removed or minimised wherever possible; for example, we complete 01.1b Access audit form.
  • Understanding, supporting and promoting the importance of identity for all children and recognising that this comprises multiple facets which are shaped by a ‘kaleidoscope’ of factors including British values, ‘race’\ethnicity and culture, gender, difference of ability, social class, language, religion and belief, and family form and lifestyle, which combine uniquely in the identity of each individual; for example, we welcome and promote bi/multilingualism and the use of alternative communication formats such as sign language, and we promote gender equality while at the same time recognising the differences in play preferences and developmental timetables of girls and boys.
  • Recognising that this ‘kaleidoscope’ also reflects negative images which may be internalised and negatively affect the development of self-concept, self-esteem, and confidence.
  • Promoting a welcoming atmosphere that genuinely appreciate British values, different cultural and personal perspectives, without stereotyping and prejudicing cultures and traditions on raising children, by always involving parents.
  • Promoting community cohesion and creating an environment that pre-empts acts of discrimination so that they do not arise.
  • Recruitment of staff to reflect cultural and language diversity, disabled staff, and staff of both genders.
  • Addressing discrimination as it occurs from children in a sensitive, age-appropriate manner to ensure that everyone involved understands the situation and are offered reassurance and support to achieve resolution.
  • Challenging discriminatory behaviour from parents, staff or outside agencies or individuals that affect the well-being of children and the early years community.
  • Creating an ethos within which staff work confidently within a culturally complex environment; learning when to change or adapt practice in the setting and having the confidence to challenge practice (including parental) that is not in the child’s best interest, seeking support and intervention from agencies where appropriate.
  • Ensuring that educators work closely with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator to make sure that the additional needs of all children are identified and met.
  • We are aware of anti-discriminatory legislation and able to use it to shape the service and support parents and children against discrimination in the local community, for example, against asylum seekers, the Travelling community and same sex parents.
  • We regularly monitor and review our practice including long-term preventative measures to ensure equality such as auditing of provision, formulating an equality plan, applying impact measurements and positive actions. In addition, short term measures such as recognition and assessment of children’s additional support needs (e.g. impairment, home language, family hardship, specific family beliefs and practices), day-to-day activities, provision of suitable support and resources, activity programme and curriculum., assessment, recognition of special educational needs and developing inclusive relationships.

Legal references

General Data Protection Regulation 2018

Children and Families Act 2014 Part 3

Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2015

Disability Equality Duty 2011

Equality Act 2010

Prevent Strategy 2015

Further guidance

Guide to the Equality Act and Good Practice (Alliance Publication)

05.1 – Promoting inclusion, equality and valuing diversity

We actively promote inclusion, equality of opportunity and value diversity. All early years setting have legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010. Those in receipt of public funding also have public equality duties to eliminate discrimination, promote equality, foster good relations with individuals and groups with protected characteristics namely disability, race (ethnicity), religion and belief, sexual orientation, sex (gender), gender reassignment, age, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership. Settings also have obligations under the Prevent Duty (2015 updated 2023) which highlights the need to foster equality and prevent children from being drawn into harm and radicalisation.

Promoting identity, positive self-concept and self-esteem for all children through treating each child as an individual and with equal concern, ensuring each child’s developmental and emotional needs are recognised and met.

  • Promoting inclusive practice to ensure every child is welcomed and valued.
  • Discussing aspects of family/child identity with parents when settling in a new child.
  • Maintaining a positive non-judgemental attitude and use of language with children to talk about topics such as family composition/background, eye and skin colour, hair texture, sex, gender, physical attributes and languages spoken (including signing).
  • Becoming knowledgeable about different cultures, and individual subjective perceptions of these and being able to reflect them imaginatively and creatively in the setting to create pride, interest and positive self-identity.
  • Discussing similarities and differences positively without bias and judgement.
  • Celebrating festivals, holy days and special days authentically through involving parents, staff or the wider community to provide a positive experience for all.
  • Providing books with positive images of children and families from all backgrounds and abilities. Avoiding caricatures or cartoon-like depictions, and ensuring individual differences are portrayed with sensitive accuracy. The central characters in individual stories should provide a positive, broad representation of diversity e.g. disability, ethnicity, sex and gender, age and social backgrounds. Individual storylines should contain a range of situations which are easily identifiable by children such as those that include disabled children/adults, different ethnic groups, mixed heritage families, gender diversity, single sex/same and different sex families, multi-generational households and cultural diversity.
  • Providing visual materials, such as posters and pictures that provide non-stereotypical images of people, places and cultures and roles that are within children’s range of experience. This includes photographs of the local and wider community, of parents and families and local events.
  • Providing artefacts from a range of cultures, particularly for use in all areas of the setting, not just in the home corner.
  • Ensuring toys, learning materials and resources reflect diversity and provide relevant materials for exploring aspects of difference, such as skin tone paints and pens.
  • Developing a range of activities through which children can explore aspects of their identity, explore similarities, differences and develop empathy including:
  • self-portraits, photograph albums and displays showing a range of families
  • books about ‘me’ or my family
  • persona doll stories which sympathetically and authentically represent diversity
  • food activities, such as tasting and cooking, creating real menu additions
  • activities about real celebrations such as new babies, weddings, cultural and religious events
  • use of textiles and secular artefacts in the room, and to handle and explore, that demonstrate valuing of the cultures from which they come
  • creating textiles such as tie dying, batik and creative use of textiles
  • provide mirrors at different heights.
  • developing a music area with a variety of musical instruments for babies and children to use to create a range of music.
  • creating an art and mark making area with a variety of materials from other countries such as wood blocks for printing, Chinese calligraphy brushes etc.
  • home corner play which encourages all children to equally participate and provides domestic articles from diverse cultures
  • ‘dressing up’ materials which promote non-gendered roles and enable children to explore different gender identities/gender neutrality
  • providing dolls that sensitively and accurately portray difference such as disability and ethnicity
  • use of a variety of music to play to children of different genres and cultural styles with a variety of musical instruments for children to access
  • a language and literacy area with a variety of books, some with dual language texts and signs, involving parents in the translation where possible
  • tapes with stories read in English and other languages
  • examples of writing in other scripts from everyday sources such as papers and magazines, packaging etc. children’s names written on cards in English as well as in their home language script where appropriate
  • labels for children’s paintings or other work are made with their name in English and home language script (parents can help with this)
  • conversations with young children which explore unfamiliar objects and subjects to help foster an understanding of diversity and identity such as spectacles or hearing aids, religious and cultural practices
  • Record keeping refers to children’s emerging bilingual skills or their use of sign language as achievements in positive terms.
  • Record keeping that refers to children’s differing abilities and identities in positive terms.
  • Records that show the relevant involvement of all children, especially children with special educational needs and disabilities, those using English as an additional language and those who are ‘more abled’ in the planning of their care and education.

Fostering positive attitudes and challenging discrimination.

  • Young children are learning how to grow up in a diverse world and develop appropriate attitudes. This can be difficult, and they may make mistakes and pick up inappropriate attitudes or just get the ‘wrong idea’ that may underlie attitudes of ‘pre-prejudice’ towards specific individuals/groups. Where children make remarks or behave in a discriminatory or prejudice way or make inappropriate comments that arise from not knowing facts, staff should explain why these actions are not acceptable and provide appropriate information and intervention to reinforce children’s understanding and learning.
  • Where children make overtly prejudice or discriminatory remarks they are dealt with as above, and the issue is raised with the parents.
  • When children wish to explore aspects of their identity such as ethnicity or gender, they should be listened to in an understanding and non-judgemental way.
  • Parents are expected to abide by the policy for inclusion, diversity and equality and to support their child in the aims of the setting.

Implementing an equality strategy to foster a ‘can do’ approach

  • Every setting should have an equality strategy in place outlining their vision on equality alongside a timetabled list of actions summarising how they build equality into the provision and how this is monitored and evaluated.
  • An equality check and access audit are completed to ensure that there are no barriers to inclusion of any child, families and visitors to the setting.
  • Early years settings in receipt of nursery education funding are covered by the public sector equality duty. These bodies must have regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity, foster good relations between disabled and non-disabled persons, and publish information to show their compliance with the duty.

Promoting dynamic and balanced mixed gender, culturally, socially, and linguistically diverse staff teams who work constructively together in providing for diverse communities.

  • It is recognised that members of staff in diverse teams bring a range of views and opinions to the setting regarding a range of issues to do with the job. It is important that a range of views and perspectives are shared and respected in staff meetings and that decisions are made on which way of looking at the situation will result in the best outcomes for the child.
  • Staff views are sought where these offer individuals, social and/or cultural insight, although staff should not be put in an uncomfortable position of being an ‘expert’ or ‘ambassador’.
  • Staff respect similarities and differences between each other and users such as ability, disability, religious and personal beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment etc. Staff do not discriminate or harass individuals on the grounds of these or encourage any other member of staff to do so; evidence of such will be dealt with by management immediately.
  • Members of staff make the best use of different perspectives in the team to find solutions to difficult problems that arise in socially/culturally complex situations.
  • Members of staff support each other to highlight similarities and respect differences.
  • Members of staff of both sexes carry out all tasks according to their job description; there are no jobs that are designated men’s or women’s jobs.
  • Staff are sensitive to the fact that male workers are under-represented in the early years workforce so may be more likely to experience inequality and discrimination.
  • Staff should be aware that male workers may be more vulnerable to allegations. Therefore, work practices should be developed to minimise this. These practices are valuable for all staff.
  • Where staff may feel threatened, or under attack, from discriminatory behaviour, staff and managers follow procedure 01.12 Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers.
  • There is an ethos wherein staff, parents and children are free to express themselves and speak their own languages in ways that enhance the culture of the setting.

Ensuring that barriers to equality and inclusion are identified and removed or minimised wherever possible.

  • Barriers may include:
    • lack of understanding – where the language spoken at the setting is not that which is spoken at a child’s home
    • perceived barriers – affordability where parents are not aware of financial support available or assume that a service is not available to them. Perceived barriers may also be physical barriers for those children or parents with a disability or additional needs where they assume, they will not be able to access the service
    • physical barriers – where there are environmental features which stop a disabled child or disabled parent accessing the setting such as stairs
    • negative attitudes – stereotypes and prejudices or commitment by staff and managers to the time and energy required to identify and remove barriers to accessibility
    • unconscious and conscious bias of staff towards some families such as those from other backgrounds, disabled parents, same sex parents and families with specific religious beliefs
    • gendered views of staff which limit children’s aspirations and choices
    • misconceptions such as disabled children should not attend settings during a pandemic due to heightened risk
    • lack of effective Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the homes of families who are vulnerable or at risk and therefore unable to keep in close contact with the childcare provider
  • Staff are aware of the different barriers to inclusion and equality and consider the wider implications for children and their families.

Supporting children to become considerate adults

  • Children’s social and emotional development is shaped by early experiences and relationships and incorporates elements of equality and British and Universal values. The EYFS supports children’s earliest skills in an age appropriate way to become social citizens, namely listen and attend to instructions; know the difference between right and wrong; recognise similarities and differences between themselves and others; make and maintain friendships; develop empathy and consideration of other people; take turns in play and conversation; risk taking behaviours, rules and boundaries; not to hurt/upset other people with words and actions; consequences of hurtful/discriminatory behaviour and regulating behaviour.

British values

The fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs are already implicitly embedded in the Early Years Foundation Stage and are further clarified here based on Fundamental British values in the Early Years (https://foundationyears.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Fundamental-British-Values-in-the-Early-Years-2017.pdf)

Democracy: making decisions together

  • For self-confidence and self-awareness (PSED), educators encourage children to see the bigger picture, children know their views count, value each other’s views and values and talk about feelings e.g. when they do or do not need help.
  • Supporting the decisions children make and providing activities that involve turn-taking, sharing and collaboration. Children are given opportunities to develop enquiring minds, where questions are valued and prejudice attitudes less likely.

Rule of law: understanding rules matter (PSED)

  • Educators ensure children understand their and others’ behaviour and consequence.
  • Educators collaborate with children to create rules and codes of behaviour, e.g. rules about tidying up and ensure all children understand that rules apply to everyone.

Individual liberty: freedom for all (PSED & UW)

  • Children should develop a positive sense of themselves. Staff provide opportunities for children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities, for example through allowing children to take risks on an obstacle course, mixing colours, exploring facets of their own identity, talking about their experiences and learning. Educators encourage a range of experiences, allow children to explore the language of feelings and responsibility, reflect on differences and understand we are free to have different opinions, for example in a small group discuss what they feel about transferring into Reception Class.

Mutual respect and tolerance: treat others as you want to be treated (PSED & UW)

  • Staff create an ethos of inclusivity and tolerance where views, faiths, cultures and races are valued and children are engaged with the wider community.
  • Children should acquire tolerance, appreciation and respect for their own and other cultures; know about similarities and differences between themselves, others and among families, faiths, communities, cultures and traditions.
  • Staff encourage and explain the importance of tolerant behaviours such as sharing and respecting other’s opinions.
  • Staff promote diverse attitudes and challenge stereotypes, for example, sharing stories that reflect and value the diversity of children’s experiences and providing resources and activities that challenge gender, cultural/racial stereotyping.

It is not acceptable to:

  • actively promote intolerance of other faiths, cultures and races
  • fail to challenge gender stereotypes and routinely segregate girls and boys
  • isolate children from their wider community
  • fail to challenge behaviours (whether of staff, children, or parents) that are not in line with the fundamental values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs.

06 – Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

06.2 – Low level concerns and allegations of serious harm or abuse against staff, volunteers or agency staff

Concerns may come from a parent, child, colleague or member of the public. Allegations or concerns must be referred to the designated person without delay – even if the person making the allegation later withdraws it.

What is a low-level concern?

The NSPCC defines a low-level concern as ‘any concern that an adult has acted in a way that:

  • is inconsistent with the staff code of conduct, including inappropriate conduct outside of work
  • doesn’t meet the threshold of harm or is not considered serious enough…to refer to the local authority.

Low-level concerns are part of a spectrum of behaviour. This includes:

  • inadvertent or thoughtless behaviour
  • behaviour that might be considered inappropriate depending on the circumstances
  • behaviour which is intended to enable abuse

Examples of such behaviour could include:

  • being over friendly with children
  • having favourites
  • adults taking photographs of children on their mobile phone
  • engaging with a child on a one-to-one basis in a secluded area or behind a closed door
  • using inappropriate sexualised, intimidating or offensive language’

(NSPCC Responding to low-level concerns about adults working in education)

 Responding to low-level concerns

Any low-level concerns about the conduct of staff, students or volunteers must be shared with the designated person and recorded on 06.02a Low level concerns form. The designated person should be informed of all low-level concerns and make the final decision on how to respond. Where appropriate this can be done in consultation with their line manager.

Reporting low-level concerns about the conduct of a colleague, student or volunteer contributes towards a safeguarding culture of openness and trust. It helps ensure that adults consistently model the setting’s values and helps keep children safe. It protects adults working in the setting from potential false allegations or misunderstandings.

If it is not clear that a low-level concern meets the local authority threshold, the designated person should contact the LADO for clarification.

In most instances, low-level concerns about staff conduct can be addressed through supervision, training, or disciplinary processes where an internal investigation may take place.


An allegation against a member of staff, volunteer or agency staff constitutes serious harm or abuse if they:

  • behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed a child
  • possibly committed a criminal offence against, or related to, a child
  • behaved towards a child in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children
  • behaved or may have behaved in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with children


  • All staff report allegations to the deputy designated safeguarding lead or designated safeguarding lead.
  • The deputy designated person alerts the designated safeguarding lead. If the designated safeguarding lead is unavailable the deputy designated person contacts their equivalent until they get a response- which should be within 3-4 hours of the event. This would be Sophie Sharples who is the Safeguarding Officer on the committee. Together they should form a view about what immediate actions are taken to ensure the safety of the children and staff in the setting, and what is acceptable in terms of fact-finding.
  • It is essential that no investigation occurs until and unless the LADO has expressly given consent for this to occur, however, the person responding to the allegation does need to have an understanding of what explicitly is being alleged.
  • The designated person must take steps to ensure the immediate safety of children, parents, and staff on that day within the setting.
  • The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is contacted as soon as possible and within one working day. If the LADO is on leave or cannot be contacted the LADO team manager is contacted and/or advice sought from the point of entry safeguarding team/mash/point of contact, according to local arrangements.
  • A child protection referral is made by the designated person if required. The LADO, line managers and local safeguarding children’s services can advise on whether a child protection referral is required.
  • The designated person asks for clarification from the LADO on the following areas:
  • what actions the designated person must take next and when and how the parents of the child are informed of the allegation
  • whether or not the LADO thinks a criminal offence may have occurred and whether the police should be informed and if so who will inform them
  • whether the LADO is happy for the setting to pursue an internal investigation without input from the LADO, or how the LADO wants to proceed
  • whether the LADO thinks the person concerned should be suspended, and whether they have any other suggestions about the actions the designated person has taken to ensure the safety of the children and staff attending the setting
  • The designated person records details of discussions and liaison with the LADO including dates, type of contact, advice given, actions agreed and updates on the child’s case file.
  • Parents are not normally informed until discussion with the LADO has taken place, however in some circumstances the designated person may need to advise parents of an incident involving their child straight away, for example if the child has been injured and requires medical treatment.
  • Staff do not investigate the matter unless the LADO has specifically advised them to investigate internally. Guidance should also be sought from the LADO regarding whether or not suspension should be considered. The person dealing with the allegation must take steps to ensure that the immediate safety of children, parents and staff is assured. It may be that in the short-term measures other than suspension, such as requiring a staff member to be office based for a day, or ensuring they do not work unsupervised, can be employed until contact is made with the LADO and advice given.
  • The designated person ensures staff fill in 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form.
  • If after discussion with the designated person, the LADO decides that the allegation is not obviously false, and there is cause to suspect that the child/ren is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, then the LADO will normally refer the allegation to children’s social care.
  • If notification to Ofsted is required the designated person will inform Ofsted as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after the event has occurred. The designated person will liaise with the designated officer about notifying Ofsted.
  • The designated person ensures that the 06.1c Confidential safeguarding incident report form is completed and sent to the designated officer. If the designated officer is unavailable their equivalent must be contacted.
  • Avenues such as performance management or coaching and supervision of staff will also be used instead of disciplinary procedures where these are appropriate and proportionate. If an allegation is ultimately upheld the LADO may also offer a view about what would be a proportionate response in relation to the accused person.
  • The designated person must consider revising or writing a new risk assessment where appropriate, for example if the incident related to an instance where a member of staff has physically intervened to ensure a child’s safety, or if an incident relates to a difficulty with the environment such as where parents and staff are coming and going and doors are left open.
  • All allegations are investigated even if the person involved resigns or ceases to be a volunteer.

 Allegations against agency staff

Any allegations against agency staff must be responded to as detailed in this procedure. In addition, the designated person must contact the agency following advice from the LADO

Allegations against the designated person

  • If a member of staff has concerns that the designated person has behaved in a way that indicates they are not suitable to work with children as listed above, this is reported to the designated officer who will investigate further, (Sophie Sharples).
  • During the investigation, the designated officer will identify another suitably experienced person to take on the role of designated person.
  • If an allegation is made against the designated officer, then the nominated person (Clare Bedford) is informed.


  • A record is made of an allegation/concern, along with supporting information, using 06.02a Low level concerns form. This is then entered on the file of the child, and the 06.1a Child welfare and protection summary is completed and placed in the front of the child’s file.
  • If the allegation refers to more than one child, this is recorded in each child’s file
  • If relevant, a child protection referral is made, with details held on the child’s file.

Disclosure and Barring Service

  • If a member of staff is dismissed because of a proven or strong likelihood of child abuse, inappropriate behaviour towards a child, or other behaviour that may indicate they are unsuitable to work with children such as drug or alcohol abuse, or other concerns raised during supervision when the staff suitability checks are done, a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service is made.

Escalating concerns

  • If a member of staff believes at any time that children may be in danger due to the actions or otherwise of a member of staff or volunteer, they must discuss their concerns immediately with the designated person.
  • If after discussions with the designated person, they still believe that appropriate action to protect children has not been taken they must speak to the designated officer.
  • If there are still concerns then the whistle blowing procedure must be followed, as set out in 06.00 Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023/2024.

Useful Contact Information

Claire Speakman (Designated Safeguarding Lead) – 0151 4202942/ 07548836951

Sandra Grimwood (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) – 0151 4202942

Sophie Sharples – (Church/Committee Designated Safeguarding Officer) – 07793679980

Clare Bedford – (Nominated Person) – 07771777762

06.3 – Visitor or intruder on the premises

The safety and security of the premises is maintained at all time and staff are vigilant in areas that pose a risk, such as shared premises. A risk assessment is completed to ensure that unauthorised visitors cannot gain access.

Visitors with legitimate business – generally a visitor will have made a prior appointment

  • On arrival, they are asked to verify their identity and confirm who they are visiting.
  • Staff will ask them to sign in and explain the procedures for the use of mobile phones and emergency evacuation.
  • Visitors (including visiting VIPs) are never left alone with the children at any time.
  • Visitors to the setting are monitored and asked to leave immediately should their behaviour give cause for concern.


An intruder is an individual who has not followed visitor procedures and has no legitimate business to be in the setting; he or she may or may not be a hazard to the setting.

  • An individual who appears to have no business in the setting will be asked for their name and purpose for being there.
  • The staff member identifies any risk posed by the intruder.
  • The staff member ensures the individual follows the procedure for visitors.
  • The setting manager is immediately informed of the incident and takes necessary action to safeguard children.
  • If there are concerns for the safety of children, staff evacuate them to a safe place in the building and contact police. In some circumstance this could lead to ‘lock-down’ of the setting and will be managed by the responding emergency service (see procedure 01.19 Terrorist threat/attack and lock-down).
  • The designated safeguarding lead informs their designated officer of the situation at the first opportunity.
  • In the case of a serious breach where there was a perceived or actual threat to the safety of the children, the manager/designated person completes 06.1c Confidential safeguarding incident report form) and copies in their line manager on the day of the incident. The committee ensure a robust organisational response and ensure that learning is shared.

Further guidance

Visitors Signing In Record (Alliance Publication)

06.4 – Uncollected child

If a child is not collected by closing time, or the end of the session and there has been no contact from the parent, or there are concerns about the child’s welfare then this procedure is followed.

  • The designated safeguarding lead is informed of the uncollected child as soon as possible and attempts to contact the parents by phone.
  • If the parents cannot be contacted, the designated safeguarding lead uses the emergency contacts to inform a known carer of the situation and arrange collection of the child.
  • After one hour, the designated safeguarding lead contacts the local social care out-of-hours duty officer if the parents or other known carer cannot be contacted and there are concerns about the child’s welfare or the welfare of the parents.
  • The designated safeguarding lead should arrange for the collection of the child by social care.
  • Where appropriate the designated safeguarding lead should also notify police.

Members of staff do not:

  • go off the premises to look for the parents
  • leave the premises to take the child home or to a carer
  • offer to take the child home with them to care for them in their own home until contact with the parent is made.
  • Staff make a record of the incident in the child’s file using , usually an educator. A record of conversations with parents should be made, with parents being asked to sign and date the recording.
  • This is logged on the child’s personal file along with the actions taken. 06.1c Confidential safeguarding incident report form should also be completed if there are safeguarding and welfare concerns about the child, or if Social Care have been involved due to the late collection.
  • If there are recurring incidents of late collection, a meeting is arranged with the parents to agree a plan to improve time-keeping and identify any further support that may be required.

06.5 – Missing child

In the building

  • As soon as it is noticed that a child is missing, the member of staff informs the designated safeguarding lead who initiates a search within the setting.
  • If the child is found on-site, the designated safeguarding lead checks on the welfare of the child and investigates the circumstances of the incident.
  • If the child is not found on site, one member of staff searches the immediate vicinity, if there is no sign of the child, the police are called immediately.
  • The parents are then called and informed.
  • The designated safeguarding lead contacts their designated officer, to inform them of the situation and seek assistance.

Off-site (outing or walk)

  • As soon as it is noticed that a child is missing, the senior staff present carries out a headcount.
  • One member of staff searches the immediate vicinity.
  • If the child is not found, the senior staff calls the police and then contacts the designated person.
  • The designated safeguarding lead informs the parents.
  • Members of staff return the children to the setting as soon as possible if it is safe to do so. According to the advice of the police, one senior member of staff should remain at the site where the child went missing and wait for the police to arrive.
  • The designated safeguarding lead contacts the designated officer, who attends the setting.

Recording and reporting

  • A record is made on 06.1a Child welfare and protection summary and 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form. The manager as designated safeguarding lead completes and circulates 06.1c Confidential safeguarding incident report form to the designated officer on the same day that the incident occurred.

The Investigation

  • Ofsted are informed as soon as possible (and at least within 14 days).
  • The designated officer carries out a full investigation.
  • The designated safeguarding lead and the designated officer speak with the parents together and explain the process of the investigation.
  • Each member of staff present during the incident writes a full report using 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form, which is filed in the child’s file. Staff do not discuss any missing child incident with the press.

06.6 – Incapacitated parent/carer

Incapacitated refers to a condition which renders a parent/carer unable to take responsibility for their child; this could be at the time of collecting their child from the setting or on arrival. Concerns may include:

  • appearing drunk
  • appearing under the influence of drugs
  • demonstrating angry and threatening behaviour to the child, members of staff or others
  • appearing erratic or manic


  • If a member of staff is concerned that a parent displays any of the above characteristics, they inform the designated safeguarding lead as soon as possible.
  • The designated safeguarding lead assesses the risk and decides if further intervention is required.
  • If it is decided that no further action is required, a record of the incident is made on form 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form.
  • If intervention is required, the designated safeguarding lead speaks to the parent in an appropriate, confidential manner.
  • The designated safeguarding lead will, in agreement with the parent, use emergency contacts listed for the child to ask an alternative adult to collect the child.
  • The emergency contact is informed of the situation by the designated safeguarding lead and of the setting’s requirement to inform social care of their contact details.
  • The designated officer is informed of the situation as soon as possible and provides advice and assistance as appropriate.
  • If there is no one suitable to collect the child, social care are informed.
  • If violence is threatened towards anybody, the police are called immediately.
  • If the parent takes the child from the setting while incapacitated the police are called immediately and a referral is made to social care.


  • The designated safeguarding lead completes 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form and if social care were contacted 06.1c Confidential safeguarding incident report form is completed the designated officer. If police were contacted 06.1c Confidential safeguarding incident report form should also be copied to the owners/directors/trustees.
  • Further updates/notes/conversations/ telephone calls are recorded.